Saturday, June 30, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
Gov. Martinez alleges hacking of campaign email
The allegation of hacking came after a union-funded political action committee released several emails this month that show the governor and top aides used private email addresses to discuss government business. The disclosures led the GOP governor ...
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Drone Hacked With Spoofing on Approval of DHS by University of Texas ...
A United States drone was successfully hacked in the White sands Missile Range in New Mexico by a group of researchers. These researchers were given the opportunity to prove they could hack a US drone outside of the lab and in the field. Who gave the ...
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Researchers Prove Drones Can Be Hacked
A team at the University of Texas at Austin won a $1000 bet after hacking into an airborne drone and stealing control from the pilot.
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Social Entrepreneurs Hack Capitalism
It needs to be hacked. Business frameworks and management practices built a hundred or more years ago were successful for a long time. Until now. Few "certainties" we take for granted will remain the same. Hierarchies, control in the hands of a few, [...]
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Drone Hacking Test Reveals GPS as Weak Link
Drones can be hacked with GPS equipment costing just $1000, according to tests by University of Texas researchers.
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Ryan Harris Given 3-Year Sentence For Helping Thousands Steal Internet Service
Huffington Post
Internet service providers are increasingly looking for ways to charge customers more money for faster speeds and access to more data. For years, hackers have looked for ways to get around such restrictions and get faster Internet service for free.
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How "The Angel" helped 15000 people steal broadband
Ars Technica
In 2006, a hacker going by the name "DerEngel" ("The Angel") wrote a book for respected tech publishers No Starch Press on Hacking the Cable Modem. The book came with a warning: "The practice of modifying a cable modem violates service agreements, ...
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Ars Technica
Russia opposition leader's Twitter account hacked
San Francisco Chronicle
MOSCOW (AP) — Hackers broke into a prominent Russian opposition leader's Twitter and email accounts, sending his followers abusive messages. Navalny has solicited donations to support the work of his website and a team of lawyers who study ...
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San Francisco Chronicle

Web2 new results for hacking
(Fake) Hacking on the iPad With Uplink | GeekDad |
The developers over at Introversion have made some Uplink game fans very happy with the recent announcement that the classic '90s hacking game is now ...
Hardware hacking: Fixing your X100 charger | Pixiq
How to fix your loose FujiFilm X100 charger. DYI photography fix for your X100.

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