Saturday, June 23, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News6 new results for hacking
LCSO hackers may have been caught
Daily Commercial
A Romanian group, recently arrested abroad on accusations of hacking and defacing several websites and computer systems in their country, may be linked to ...
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Hackers take credit for colossal Twitter crash
In a blog post published late Friday, Rawashdeh writes that neither an overload of traffic nor an attack from hackers hindered the site, and that the company is ...
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Hackers Cite 'Idiot Tax,' Release Loan Records
Rex Mundi hacker group publishes thousands of records containing personal loan application data after payday lender AmeriCash Advance refuses $20000 ...
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News Corp. Searching Executives' IPhones in Hacking Probe
News Corp. is examining iPhones used by four unidentified company executives for evidence sought by victims of phone hacking by the now-defunct News of ...
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When Hackers Fumble: 'Printer Bomb' Noisily Announces Attack
Bloomberg (blog)
As the malware known as Flame has shown, hacking attacks are so sophisticated nowadays that it can be nearly impossible to detect whether your computer.
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Bloomberg (blog)
14 Romanians arrested for hacking Lake Sheriff's Office website
Orlando Sentinel
Fourteen people have been arrested in a sweep across the eastern European country of Romania for hacking into and defacing the websites of 29 public ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Phone Hacking Scandal: 20 More Expected to Sue News Corp. Unit ...
By Georg Szalai
The number of civil claimants going after Rupert Murdoch's conglomerate now stands at more than 70.
Hacking group UGNazi takes credit for Twitter outages - Neowin
By Paul Ferson
After Twitter suffered a 'cascaded bug' yesterday the site was down for a considerable period of time. Hacking group UGNazi have stepped up and taken credit for the actions leading to the outage.

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