Saturday, June 2, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News7 new results for hacking
News Corp. lawyer: 500 hacking claims possible
Sacramento Bee
AP LONDON -- A lawyer for Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper group says the company could face 500 lawsuits from victims of tabloid phone hacking - far more than have so far been filed. Michael Silverleaf told a court hearing Friday that "we are ...
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Phone hacking: News International could face more than 500 claims
The Guardian
News International could be facing more than 500 civil claims for damages from alleged victims of News of the World phone hacking, the high court has heard. At a case management conference at the high court in London on Friday, Mr Justice Vos also ...
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The Guardian
News Corp could face up to 500 claims in phone-hacking scandal
The paper's parent company News Corp. could face up to 500 claims related to the phone hacking scandal that closed the paper last year. (Christopher Furlong/AFP/Getty Images) News Corp could face up to 500 claims in relation its' former tabloid News of ...
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8 Tools for Hacking Your Productivity
Check out co-founder Jack's advice on how to hack your productivity with great gadgets and tools. Want more? Tune into Behind the Launch every Monday and Wednesday. Startups are hard work; I can often find myself working until 2 or 3 am several nights ...
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'Hack The Real World And Share The Results'
Techdirt (blog)
He tied all these together by observing that the multi-trillion dollar economy created by e-commerce had been made possible by innovation born of the passion and curiosity of mostly young people hacking on open systems. As Moglen said, transcribed here ...
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Facebook Rubbishes Anonymous Hacking Claims
By Nicholas Maithya Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has rubbished claims by internet hacking group Anonymous that it was the one behind the seething downtime experienced by Facebook users today. Facebook users across the globe experienced log-in difficulties ...
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How Kinect Hacking Sparks Innovation
By Kendra Srivastava Open-source hackers are creating an entire ecosystem with Microsoft's Kinect, ushering in a new era of gesture-controlled inventions. Hackers have transformed the $150 Xbox add-on into a platform for everything from artificial ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Hacker pod2g to speak and run hacking workshop at JailbreakCon's ...
By Richard Lai
While WWJC's already got a healthy list of special guests to address fellow iOS hackers, word has it that pod2g -- a well-known and good-looking.
I'm Hacking Gloria | Story on Quibblo
IF U TELL I'LL SEND THIS WOLF AFTER U! Hi, I'm bored. Who has ever been hacked. If u have, please comment and send me a message bout it, and I'll tell u bout. - Recent Quizzes

Web1 new result for hacking
News Corp. lawyer: 500 hacking claims possible - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: A lawyer for Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper group says the company could face 500 lawsuits from victims of tabloid phone hacking ...

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