Sunday, June 10, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Hacking group Anonymous takes on India internet 'censorship'
BBC News
By Rajini Vaidyanathan BBC News, Mumbai Members of the internet hacking group Anonymous have been staging protests across 16 cities in India, against what they say is internet censorship in the country. Mumbai's Azad Maidan sports ground is often ...
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BBC News
'Anonymous' hackers protest over India Internet laws
Held under the banner of worldwide group of web hacking activists 'Anonymous', youngsters wearing 'Guy Fawkes' masks held protests in 16 cities including Bangalore, Pune and Chandigarh, the group claimed on their website. The demonstrations come in the ...
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Think Tank: LinkedIn gets hacked and nobody cares
By Emma Barnett It emerged that hackers were working to "crack" a list of 6.5 million out of 150 million LinkedIn profiles. Web security experts galore quickly warned users to change their passwords for other services if they had reused the same one ...
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'Anonymous' hackers to protest Indian Internet laws
Protesters from the Anonymous India group of hackers wear Guy Fawkes masks as they protest against laws they say gives the government control over censorship of internet usage in Mumbai, June 9, 2012. Anonymous India is associated with the ...
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Govt site taken down in censorship protest
Times of India
Chennai/New Delhi: Hours ahead of its planned protest against certain incidents of internet censorship in India , hacker collective Anonymous attacked andbroughtdown the website run by Computer Emergency Response Team India (CERT-I n), the country's ...
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India: Hacking group protests against censorship
Jakarta Post
AP, NEW DELHI | Sat, 06/09/2012 9:06 PM Say 'No' to censorship: Members of a hacking group, Anonymous India, wear Guy Fawkes masks as they protest against Indian government enacted laws that gives it power to censor different aspects of Internet usage, ...
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Jakarta Post
Hacking: Experts call for code
Times of India
Now you can add computer hacking to that list. Advertised as 'ethical hacking', the courses claim to teach you how to hack passwords and social networking accounts - all to protect your system better, of course. But cyber lawyer Pavan Duggal says that ...
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League of Legends Hacked: You Know The Drill By Now
Hacking of accounts for Valve, Sony, (possibly) Diablo III and so on have demonstrated that no database is completely secure, and that players (and users of the Internet) need to account for the impossibility of protecting their data.
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LinkedIn Passwords Hacked: What Can We Learn From It?
Even the presidential candidate Mitt Romany's Hotmail account was hacked, stirring the media on online security since last year's Sony PlayStation Network hack. LinkedIn informed its users that 6.5 million account passwords were stolen and uploaded to ...
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