Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hacker claims mass bank breach; releases Visa, Mastercard data
ZDNet (blog)
More than 79 banks have been breached, claimed a hacker on Twitter. Following a data release on Tuesday, he said he has more than 50 gigabytes of U.S..
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Hacker group demands 'idiot tax' from payday lender
Rex Mundi exposes thousands of customer details after payday lender AmeriCash refuses to fork over ransom.
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Hacker claims to have broken into nearly 80 banks, provides evidence
A self-proclaimed grey hat hacker known as Reckz0r claims to have accessed nearly 80 large banks, collecting a massive amount of customer data in the ...
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Hackers grab customer data, demand cash from payday lender
AmeriCash Advance says it refuses to pay the $15000 that hackers have demanded after stealing data. Read this blog post by Elinor Mills on Security & Privacy.
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Admission software hacked, medical student tells court
Hindustan Times
The Supreme Court Tuesday was told by a petitioner that the software developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) for online counselling and admission ...
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Companies Strike Back at Hackers
Companies are striking back at hackers in retaliation for security breaches, a questionable practice that may temporarily discourage cyber crime but could create ...
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Hacker Releases Visa and Mastercard Information Stolen From ...
He further explains that his purpose for hacking the banks involves good old fashioned curiosity rather than some malicious intent. He also claims to have no ...
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Hacking Healthcare
Healthfoo Agenda photo by Ted Eytan @tedeytan Welcome to Hacking Health, a blog on the intersections between big data, life science and healthcare.
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LinkedIn will connect with a federal judge after privacy breach
LinkedIn sued over hacking incident that exposed six million passwords ... The incident resulted in hackers posting users' information online but it is not yet clear ...
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Scottish News: News of the World hacking 'victim' tells of shock over ...
Scottish Daily Record
EXCLUSIVE: A SUSPECTED Scots victim of News of the World computer hacking last night spoke of his "bewilderment and shock" at being targeted.
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
LinkedIn gets sued over recent hacking scandal | Ubergizmo
By Gene Ryan Briones
Earlier this month, we wrote about LinkedIn's password hashes that have been reportedly posted on a hacking forum in Russia. Now it appears that the giant social network for professionals will be facing the federal court for the mishap. A [...]
Hacking together two shop vacuums - Hack a Day
By Mike Szczys
Unfortunately the result of hacking together two shop vacuums isn't a double-power monstrosity. This is actually the story of combining broken and substandard parts into one usable machine.
Hack a Day
Boris' secret dinner with Rupert Murdoch as hacking probe launched ...
By Political Scrapbook
Boris Johnson met with Rupert Murdoch just two days before the Metropolitan Police launched their phone hacking investigation, Political Scrapbook can exclusively reveal. London's mayor then attempted to keep the dinner at Murdoch's ...
Political Scrapbook

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