Sunday, June 3, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
Hacking group Anonymous causes more Facebook havoc
BY GINA G. SCALA By now, more than 900 million Facebook users know the social media site was hacked Thursday night and that the hacking group Anonymous has claimed responsibility for effectively shutting the site down for nearly three hours.
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All hacked up but nowhere to go – except court
The Hudson Reporter
West New York was like a cyberspace scene from a William Gibson novel on May 24, as federal authorities swooped down on Mayor Dr. Felix Roque and his son, Joseph, accusing them of allegedly hacking a website to gain information about political ...
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View from US: Hacking heists
Or wait, even better, become a phone hacker! The way to get access to people's phone messages is to go into the factory default setting and press either 0000 or 1234, according to a Reuters report that quotes Piers Morgan, now a CNN host, boasting to a ...
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Stalk market: Jilted lovers and hackers launch smear campaign on Facebook
Daily Bhaskar
Police officials at the Jaipur commissionerate said that cases of hackers attempting to seek revenge through networking websites has gone up. "However, most of the cases go unreported as the affected parties are shy of taking police assistance to solve ...
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Anonymous strikes back
Salon exclusive: A DC computer executive thought he could outwit the hacker collective. He was very, very wrong By Parmy Olson When Anonymous posted some 40000 emails of the HBGary's computer security executive Aaron Barr -- as detailed in this story ...
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News Corp. Could Face More Than 500 Phone Hacking Claims
News Hounds
Although approximately 100 claims have been made against Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, an estimated 400 more are in the works. The Wall Street Journal, itself a News Corp. publication, reported yesterday: So far, claimants have filed roughly 110 ...
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CID team goes to China to assist in website hacking probe
A team from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) has left for China to assist in investigations in a case where 17 Chinese and a Sri Lankan allegedly hacked into websites and carried out frauds. The 17 Chinese suspects that included 6 women who ...
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Anonymous loves Facebook, hates Facebook
However, the hacker collective explains its complex feelings toward the site, which include hate and a curious trust. by Chris Matyszczyk I know that some of you will still have your hearts near your tonsils after Thursday's devastation of a Facebook ...
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Web1 new result for hacking
Phone hacking: News International could face more than 500 claims ...
Scale of civil cases faced by News of the World publisher revealed at parties' latest conference. By Lisa O'Carroll.

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