Monday, June 25, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Lulzsec hackers plead guilty at London court
Fox News
London's Southwark Crown Court says that two British suspects linked to the Lulz Security hacking collective have pleaded guilty to computer crimes.
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LulzSec hacker Ryan Cleary admits hacking into CIA and Pentagon
The duo targeted sites including the NHS, News International, Sony, Nintendo, Arizona State Police, and film studio 20th Century Fox, and other sites, in a series ...
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LulzSec's Ryan Cleary admits hacking into CIA and the Pentagon
LulzSec hacker Ryan Cleary today admitted hacking into the websites of the CIA and the Pentagon as well as the Serious Organised Crime Squad in the UK.
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Lulzsec: UK men plead guilty to hacking charges
BBC News
Two members of a computer hacking group plead guilty to attacking several high profile websites, but deny other charges.
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BBC News
UK suspects linked to Lulz Security hacking collective plead guilty to ...
Washington Post
LONDON — UK suspects linked to Lulz Security hacking collective plead guilty to computer crimes.
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'Brain-hacking' technology sought
Stanford University researchers say they are working on a device that would allow them to "pretty much hack" into the brain of British genius Stephen Hawking.
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Two LulzSec members plead guilty to hacking Sony, News Corp.
The Detroit News
Ryan Cleary and another member of the LulzSec 'hacktivist' group, pleaded guilty to charges of disrupting websites at Sony Corp., the Central Intelligence ...
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Scots teenager admits hacking SOCA site in 'denial of service' attack
A Scots teenager had admitted hacking into the website of the Serious Organised Crime Agency and other prominent organisations. Jake Davis, 19, admitted ...
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Breakthrough device 'hacking' into Stephen Hawking's brain
Newstrack India
Breakthrough device 'hacking' into Stephen Hawking's brain.
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Web1 new result for hacking
Jim Golden - Hacking Health - Forbes
I wish I could take credit for the title of today's blog post, but it actually derives from a talk given by Mark Boguski of Harvard Medical School at a recent healthcare ...

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