Sunday, June 24, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Forget Nitish, even hackers are after Narendra Modi
Daily News & Analysis
Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi's website gets at least three hacking attacks each week from across the globe.
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Scientists developing device to 'hack' into brain of Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking is testing out a groundbreaking device to allow him to communicate through brain waves in a project that scientists have dubbed as 'hacking ...
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Scotland Yard accused of plot to hack phone of Foreign Minister and ...
Daily Mail
They are also said to have targeted the most senior policewoman in the country and a top civil servant. Scotland Yard refuses to say whether the hacking claims ...
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Daily Mail
Pension funds in Arizona facing bleak future
Tucson Citizen
"The picture is not good," said Jim Hacking of the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System. "And there is not much of anything we can do about it. We can ...
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Check Out The Jailbreak Dream Team's Hack In The Box ...
Back in May, the "Jailbreak Dream Team" – a bunch of talented iOS hackers, including @pod2g and @p0sixninja – assembled in Amsterdam to talk at the ...
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Romania a leader in fight against malware
Worcester Telegram
Bulgarian youth combined their natural rebelliousness with a desire to strike back against capitalism, developing a very effective computer hacking industry, ...
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Judge orders mom to chop off daughter's hair to punish the girl for ...
Daily Mail
Kaytlen Lopan, pictured, launched an assault on a three-year-old at a McDonald's restaurant in Price, Utah, buying a pair of scissors from a nearby dollar shop ...
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Daily Mail
'We Are Anonymous' Tells the Story of the Hack on Gawker
NY Convergence
The hack was done by "Kayla" the supposed nickname of a 16-year-old girl who was instrumental in the hacking of HBGary Federal as well as other companies.
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Spot the lock before you shop
Sydney Morning Herald
However, new hacking techniques and revelations last year that hackers infiltrated one of the world's top SSL certificate-issuing companies have exposed ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Scam Alert: How To Stop Voicemail Hackers
Britain's phone hacking scandal has made headlines around the world. A Congressman from New York is urging action to keep it from becoming a problem for ...
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