Sunday, June 17, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hacked companies fight back with controversial steps
(Reuters) - Frustrated by their inability to stop sophisticated hacking attacks or use the law to punish their assailants, an increasing number of U.S. companies ...
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British LulzSec Hacker Indicted in US Won`t Face Immediate ...
U.S. officials say they have no immediate plans to extradite British citizen Ryan Cleary to face federal charges that he hacked into the Web sites of a several ...
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Holmes: Hacking the vote
MetroWest Daily News
Many questions hang over the 2012 election. Here's one almost no one wants to think about: Will the private companies who build and handle voting machines ...
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Module 1 focussed on the relationship between the press Module 1 focussed on the relationship between the press and the public and looked at phone-hacking ...
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SC to examine plea on hacking of medical seats
Zee News
The Supreme Court has agreed to examine a girl student`s petition alleging large-scale manipulation, hacking and tampering of the ongoing online counselling ...
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SC to examine plea on manipulation,hacking of medical seats
Indian Express
SC to examine plea on manipulation, hacking of medical seats - The Supreme Court has agreed to examine a girl student's petition alleging large-scale ...
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DCB,probing hacking charge against Bhatt,quizzes NGO staff
Indian Express
DCB, probing hacking charge against Bhatt, quizzes NGO staff - The Detection of Crime Branch (DCB), which is probing a complaint by state's additional ...
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Lebanese government Web sites hacked
Two Lebanese government Web sites were hacked Saturday by a group associated with Anonymous, the online hacking organization, police said.
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Colorado Springs Hacking Death Trial Delayed
KMGH Denver
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- The trial of a teenager charged in the slaying of a man has been postponed while defense attorneys mull a possible insanity ...
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Hacking death trial delayed
The case has been postponed while defense attorneys ponder a possible insanity plea for 19-year-old Jordan Rowland.
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Web3 new results for hacking
Met police pays damages to phone-hacking solicitor accused of ...
Scotland Yard pays £230000 in damages and costs but does not admit liability after claiming Mark Lewis statement was wrong.
USDOJ: Pennsylvania Man Arrested on Computer Hacking Charges
Pennsylvania Man Arrested on Computer Hacking Charges. WASHINGTON – Charges were unsealed this morning against a Pennsylvania man, alleging that ...
Associate of Hacking Group LulzSec Indicted for Conspiracy to - FBI
LOS ANGELES—A federal grand jury in Los Angeles returned an indictment Tuesday charging an associate of the hacking group LulzSec, an offshoot of the ...

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