Friday, June 22, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Twitter Crash: Hack Or Hardware Fail?
Twitter blames a cascading bug, but hacking group UGNazi claims responsibility.
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Judge Says It Is Premature to Set U.K. Trial Date for Brooks
(NWSA) executive Rebekah Brooks in a conspiracy case until it's clear whether she'll be charged in related U.K. probes into phone hacking and bribery at ...
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Judge Says It Is Premature to Set UK Trial Date for Brooks
Prosecutors who say Brooks, 44, and five other people conspired to "pervert the course of justice" in the phone- hacking case, should tell the group by the end of ...
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Former Murdoch executive Brooks granted bail 'til late Sept on ...
Washington Post
LONDON — Former Rupert Murdoch executive Rebekah Brooks has been granted bail until September as she awaits trial on charges of attempting to cover up ...
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Former Murdoch executive Brooks faces British court
Chicago Tribune
The phone-hacking scandal at the News of the World Sunday tabloid, which Murdoch abruptly shut down last July to try and limit the damage, set off a chain of ...
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Rebekah Brooks could face further phone hacking charges
Rebekah Brooks could face further phone hacking charges. Rebekah Brooks is expected to learn whether she will face charges over phone hacking by the end ...
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Rebekah Brooks should hear in August whether she faces further ...
The Guardian
Andrew Edis, prosecuting QC, said that in relation to the phone hacking and police corruption allegations, although there were no "definitive charging decisions" ...
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The Guardian
DefCon: 20 Years of Hackers, Hijinks and Snooping Feds
Wired News (blog)
DefCon, the premiere conference for blackhat hackers, turns 20 this July, and it's still kept its cred as the place to be for hackers of all hats, and the feds who track ...
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Wired News (blog)
Rebekah Brooks told she may face further charges relating to phone ...
Daily Mail
Wearing a tight fitting black pencil dress with four inch Christian Louboutin heels, the 44-year old looked weary as she arrived at Southwark Crown Court with ...
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Daily Mail
Rebekah Brooks in court on charges related to phone-hacking scandal
The Guardian
Former NI chief executive Rebekah Brooks and husband Charlie are accused of conspiring to pervert the course of justice.
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The Guardian

Blogs2 new results for hacking
Rebekah Brooks Scheduled To Testify On Phone Hacking Friday
By The Huffington Post News Editors
Rebekah Brooks, the former Sun editor, ex-CEO of News Corp.'s embattled News International U.K. newspaper arm and longtime Rupert Murdoch ally, is scheduled to return to court Friday for the start of her trial.
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Rebekah Brooks to Plead in Phone Hacking Cover-up Trial in Late ...
By Stuart Kemp
The ex-CEO of News Corp.'s News International U.K. newspaper arm is likely to find out in August if she must face additional charges.

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