Friday, June 1, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
"RadiumOne's Via.Me Hack to the Future" June 8-10 in San Francisco Challenges ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Me, the popular social media publishing app, today announced that the Bay Area technology organization Women 2.0 is a partner in its "Hack to the Future" event to help showcase the skills of female developers and compete for a $5000 grand prize for ...
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Facebook Has Paid More Than $300000 To Friendly Hackers Who Find Its Security Bugs
When Mark Zuckerberg wrote about creating a hacker-friendly company in the letter attached to Facebook's IPO filing last year, he meant it–in more ways that one. Facebook has paid out more than $300000 to hackers that reveal bugs in the site and help ...
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British Minister Concedes Sympathy to Murdoch TV Bid
New York Times
Last July, Mr. Murdoch withdrew the bid amid widespread outrage over the phone hacking scandal, which has enveloped two newspapers in Mr. Murdoch's British stable and shaken his global media empire. At the inquiry, headed by Lord Justice Sir Brian ...
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News Corp. Could Face 500 Phone-Hacking Claims
Wall Street Journal
By PAUL SONNE LONDON—Lawyers for both News Corp. and phone-hacking victims on Friday estimated in court that the media company will ultimately face about 500 civil claims related to illegal voice-mail interception by the now-closed News of the World ...
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Anonymous hacking campaign in Quebec draws attention of Montreal police
Globe and Mail
At first, hackers managed to disable more than a dozen websites, including the sites of the Education Department, the Quebec Liberal party and the Montreal police force. Now the circle appears to be broadening. In addition to the Formula One spectators ...
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Anonymous Claims To Have Hacked Facebook's Website
CBS Local
(credit: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/GettyImages) WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) – A notorious hacking group claims on Twitter that it hacked Facebook which caused outages and slowdowns on the social media website for a few hours Thursday night.
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CBS Local
Just like the share price... Facebook goes down after being hacked by Anonymous
Daily Mail
By Daily Mail Reporter Facebook experienced service outages for portions of its 900 million users tonight after the social networking site was apparently targeted by hacking group Anonymous. Taking to Twitter to express their displeasure, ...
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Daily Mail
Woman admits hacking lover's penis in Australia
Times of India
Police said that days later, Jian used pills to spike the soup she gave him at her home and when he was asleep, tied his hands and feet and stabbed him a number of times in the neck and groin, before hacking at his penis. "An attempt to castrate him ...
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Hackers hit a state court website
ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) - Hackers hit a New Mexico court website Wednesday night leaving a political message behind and forcing IT experts to try and figure out if they did any other damage. Director Arthur Peppin of the Administrative Office of the Courts ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
LayerOne badge hacking twofer - Hack a Day
By Mike Szczys
Here's a pair of LayerOne Badge hacks that actually included the RC as intended by the badge designers. First up, we have the autonomous RC car built by [Arko]. He calls it Stanley Jr. as an homage to the Stanford DARPA Grand Challenge ...
Hack a Day
The Environmental Cost of Flame Computer Hacking | Green Prophet
By Karin Kloosterman
With the stakes high –– control systems for energy and military systems can be hacked and breached, hacking is the new form of modern warfare, something that started reaching our consciousness with the movie War Games in 1983. But the ...
Green Prophet

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