Saturday, June 16, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
UK hacking suspect will fight extradition to US
The lawyer for a British suspect linked to the Lulz Security hacking collective said Friday that she'd fight any moves to have her client tried in an American court.
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Getting Hackers to Protect Your Data
ABC News
So what's it worth to you to prevent world-wide economic collapse, or even a major interruption of essential services, like power or water? These are not ...
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Alleged hacker Ryan Cleary to be tried in UK not US
Cleary, the son of a college lecturer from Wickford, Essex, is alleged to have been a member of a hacking group called LulzSec and was charged with five ...
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Alleged LulzSec hacker may escape extradition to US
The Guardian
Ryan Cleary, 20, indicted by grand jury in Los Angeles of hacking into sites, could avoid extradition if tried in UK courts. By Charles Arthur.
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The Guardian
LulzSec 'hacker' Ryan Cleary unlikely to be extradited to US ...
An alleged hacker accused of conspiring to bring down the websites of the CIA and the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency is not expected to be extradited to ...
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LulzSec hacker vows to fight American extradition
TG Daily
A British citizen accused of hacking a number of Hollywood websites has vowed to challenge any possible extradition to the United States. 20-year-old Ryan ...
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Two Lebanese government websites hacked
The Daily Star
BEIRUT: Two Lebanese government websites were hacked Saturday by a group aligned with the online hacking community known as Anonymous. The group ...
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The Daily Star
UK hacking suspect will fight extradition to US
The Associated Press
(AP) – 25 minutes ago. LONDON (AP) — The lawyer for a British suspect linked to the Lulz Security hacking collective said Friday that she'd fight any moves to ...
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At British Inquiry, Cameron Denies 'Deals' With Murdoch
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
The exchanges went to the heart of central questions confronting the British leader after months of debate over the phone hacking scandal that inspired the ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
UK hacking suspect will fight extradition to US -
The lawyer for a British suspect linked to the Lulz Security hacking collective said Friday that she'd fight any moves to have her client tried in an American court. Front Page

Web1 new result for hacking
British PM to testify before media probe sparked by hacking - CNN ...
British Prime Minister David Cameron is set to be grilled Thursday by an inquiry he himself set up in response to phone hacking.

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