Thursday, June 7, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hacker claims to have accessed old Mitt Romney email account
A hacker allegedly accessed Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's old Hotmail email account and a DropBox account he used for file sharing. On Tuesday, June 5, the anonymous hacker sent an email to the New York-based media news blog Gawker that ...
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Apparent Romney Email Hacker Apologizes
ABC News (blog)
The Secret Service is investigating a person who has apologized for hacking into a Hotmail account once used by Mitt Romney. The hacker, whose identity is unknown publicly, read a Wall Street Journal story about the emails the candidate used to send as ...
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Like LinkedIn, eHarmony is hacked; 1.5 million passwords stolen
Los Angeles Times
By Salvador Rodriguez EHarmony, the popular online dating site, was the target of a password hacking attack that resulted in 1.5 million stolen passwords, most of which have been cracked. The attack is believed to be by the same hacker who stole 6.5 ...
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Hackers Post 6.5 Million LinkedIn Passwords Online
Update: LinkedIn says it is looking into reports of the hack, however would not confirm reports that hackers accessed the site. It's unknown at this point how the file ended up on a public forum or exactly which site the passwords originate from; ...
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Update: LinkedIn Confirms Account Passwords Hacked
Vicente Silveira, Director at LinkedIn, confirmed the hack on the company's blog Wednesday afternoon and outlined steps that LinkedIn is taking to deal with the situation. He wrote that those with compromised passwords will notice that their LinkedIn ...
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Mitt Romney dogged by email hacker
Los Angeles Times
By Michelle Maltais Was Seamus, the weather-worn family dog of Republican candidate Mitt Romney, the key to Romney's personal email account being hacked? On Tuesday, an anonymous Gawker tipster bragged that she had gained access to the presumptive GOP ...
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Hackers steal 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords
Herald Sun
But Unisys Asia Pacific security program director John Kendall said the hacking attack would not only erode confidence in the social network, but could leave users' other online accounts open to theft. "There's a likelihood that people have used their ...
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LinkedIn confirms several million passwords hacked
The Seattle Times
By Salvador Rodriguez LOS ANGELES — LinkedIn announced that some of its accounts were compromised Wednesday morning, and it is forcing users that were hacked to change their passwords. The company confirmed the news on its blog hours after various ...
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Mitt Romney's Hacker Has 'Never Felt As Bad About Something'
New York Magazine
By Dan Amira The person who allegedly hacked Mitt Romney's Hotmail (heh) account yesterday, attracting the interest of the Secret Service, wants everyone to know that he's sorry — but, specifically, Mitt Romney. Because the hacker doesn't have any ...
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New York Magazine
Hacker claims break-in of Mitt Romney's Hotmail account
By Gregg Keizer Computerworld - A hacker yesterday claimed to have broken into a personal email account linked to GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney by answering "secret" password-reset questions. Gawker first reported the break-in after the ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Secret Service investigating potential Romney email hacking - The Hill
By (Jonathan Easley)
The Secret Service is investigating the potential hacking of Mitt Romney's personal email account, a spokesman for the law enforcement agency confirmed to The Hill. Late Tuesday, the website Gawker published the account of a tip it received ...
Facebook hacking and godawful gold lamé sneakers | Naked Security
By Lisa Vaas
How "devious cyberjerks" locked one user out, hijacked her account, spammed her friends, stole her mail, compromised her bank account, cashed credit card-linked checks, and tried to pawn off some (to her taste) truly godawful gold lamé ...
Naked Security
How to handle the LinkedIn hacking - LA Biz Observed
By Mark Lacter
linkedin.jpg Your first thought might be no big deal. LinkedIn is a site mostly for bizfolks wanting to exchange information about job openings and the like - not a place to keep financial information. Problem is, folks often use the same password ...
LA Biz Observed
IPv6 Rolls Out, LinkedIn Investigates Hacking Report
06/06/12 Internet Protocol version 6 officially rolled out across the globe on World IPv6 Day. LinkedIn is investigating reports that user accounts were compromised and passwords were leaked.
LinkedIn investigates password hacking claim |
A hacker claimed he obtained more than 6 million LinkedIn passwords, leading the Mountain View, Calif., professional-networking service to investigate Wednesday whether its users' information has been stolen.
Latest Breaking News From Cape Cod Times

Web1 new result for hacking
LinkedIn investigates hacking claims | Technology |
Business social network examines claims by security analysts that more than 6 million users' details have been posted online. By Josh Halliday.

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