Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Phone hacking: Five files on journalists handed to CPS
BBC News
Police investigating phone hacking have passed files on five journalists to the Crown Prosecution Service, as part of Scotland Yard's Operation Weeting. The files relate to allegations of offences under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa) ...
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BBC News
Phone hacking: Met refers files on five journalists to CPS
The Guardian
Scotland Yard has referred files relating to five journalists arrested on suspicion of phone hacking to prosecutors, the Crown Prosecution Service has announced. The journalists' cases are the first to be referred to the CPS to consider whether charges ...
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The Guardian
George Osborne: Coulson denied phone hacking went beyond rogue reporter
The Guardian
Andy Coulson denied to George Osborne in 2007 that he knew that phone hacking at the News of World went beyond a single rogue reporter, according to evidence given by the chancellor in the Leveson inquiry. The senior Conservative politician also ...
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The Guardian
David Benjamin Schrooten, aka "Fortezza," Dutch hacker, pleads not guilty to ...
CBS News
(AP) SEATTLE - In an investigation that spanned from a Seattle restaurant to Romania, a 21-year-old Dutch national pleaded not guilty Monday to federal computer hacking charges that include the theft of at least 44000 credit card numbers.
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CBS News
Hacking scandal: 'Murdoch lied under oath'
New Zealand Herald
Brown was the first in a string of current and former political leaders to appear this week at the inquiry, set up amid a tabloid phone hacking scandal to examine malpractice in the British media and too-cozy ties among UK politicians, police and the ...
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New Zealand Herald
Prosecutors study hacking investigation files
The Independent
Prosecutors are to decide whether to charge five journalists with phone hacking after they were handed their files by Scotland Yard. The Crown Prosecution Service was today given five files involving five journalists relating to the phone hacking ...
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Phone Hacking: files for five journalists sent to CPS
Scotland Yard has handed the Crown Prosecution Service files on five journalists for charging advice in relation to the Met's phone hacking investigation Operation Weeting. The files all relate to allegations of offences under the Regulation of ...
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SpexSec hack was retaliation for ignoring security warnings, targeted FBI agent
Death and Taxes
By Carlton Purvis 1 min ago A new hacking group claims to have stolen more than 100000 records containing names, Social Security numbers, and birthdates from a Tennessee city and has leaked thousands of them online. In an exclusive hour-long interview, ...
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George Osborne: 'I asked for assurances from Andy Coulson on phone-hacking claims'
By DAVID MADDOX CHANCELLOR George Osborne insisted that he sought private assurances from former News of the World editor Andy Coulson over phone-hacking allegations when he recommended him for the job of Conservative director of communications.
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Police hand over hacking investigation files
The Independent
Today's five files bring to 12 the number of files relating to Scotland Yard's phone-hacking inquiry that have been sent to prosecutors. The CPS has launched prosecutions relating to just one of the files so far - including former News International ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Hacking businesses via your iPad can be all fun and games | Naked ...
By Graham Cluley
Limit your malicious hacking to entertaining games like Uplink. At least there you're not doing any real harm, and aren't going to end up behind bars.
Naked Security
why is my contact form thought to be a source of hacking by - Drupal
By loolooyyyy
why is my contact form thought to be a source of hacking by netsecdb.de? Posted by loolooyyyy on June 11, 2012 at 7:48pm. i got an email from the company i bought my dedicated server, the server is running many drupal websites, my own ...
drupal.org - Post installation

Web1 new result for hacking
Phone Hacking Scandal: Met Police Refers Files On Five Journalists ...
Scotland Yard has referred files relating to five journalists arrested on suspicion of phone hacking to prosecutors, the Crown Prosecution Service has announced ...

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