Friday, June 8, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Top British Politicians to Appear at Hacking Inquiry
New York Times
LONDON — The judicial inquiry investigating the ethics and behavior of the British press following the phone hacking scandal unveiled an A-list of politicians on Friday — including prime ministers past and present — to testify over four days next ...
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Hackers Take Protest to Indian Streets and Cyberspace
Wall Street Journal (India) (blog)
By Shreya Shah On Saturday, hackers wearing Guy Fawkes masks will take to the streets to protest censorship on the Internet in India. First there was self-styled Gandhian activist Anna Hazare who took to the streets to protest corruption.
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Wall Street Journal (India) (blog)
Britain's media ethics inquiry says Prime Minister David Cameron to testify ...
Washington Post
LONDON — British media ethics inquiry said Friday that Prime Minister David Cameron will give evidence next week, amid questions over his ties to a number of suspects in the country's tabloid phone hacking scandal. The judge-led inquiry, which Cameron ...
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Britain Prime Minister David Cameron to testify at phone-hacking inquiry into ...
Victoria Times Colonist
Cameron is to appear next week before an inquiry into press ethics sparked by the phone-hacking scandal at Rupert Murdoch's newspapers. LONDON - British Prime Minister David Cameron is to appear next week before an inquiry into press ethics sparked by ...
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Account hacked? Change your password twice
PC Pro
Andy Dancer, CTO at Trend Micro, said that's a good first step, but advised anyone using a site hit by hackers to reset passwords a second time. "They should change passwords straight away, and then again when they [the company] has figured out what ...
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PC Pro
Hackers breach LinkedIn, eHarmony password files
(CNN) -- The constant battle for Internet security saw another brazen attack this week as Russian hackers published millions of passwords they collected after hacking the professional-networking site LinkedIn. Then, hours later, dating site eHarmony ...
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Authorities Probe Alleged Romney Hacking
CIO Today
By Kasie Hunt Gawker says a hacker signed into presidential candidate Mitt Romney's private Hotmail account by answering a security question about his favorite pet. The address became public because Romney used it to conduct state business when he ...
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CIO Today
LinkedIn hack prompts warning for changing website passwords
Hindustan Times
According to the report, John Kendall, a security director at computer company Unisys, also stressed that the 'real danger' was that hackers might try to use people's LinkedIn details to gain access to other services, such as their email or online ...
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Hindustan Times
LinkedIn working with FBI to investigate hacking
Los Angeles Times
The company told the Los Angeles Times that it is working with the federal agency after announcing on its blog that it was working with law enforcement to find more information about the recent hacking. Earlier Thursday, the business social network ...
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LinkedIn hacking: a timely internet security reminder
The Guardian (blog)
Passwords for LinkedIn and dating site eHarmony have been published on a Russian hacker's website. The passwords are encrypted, but hackers are being invited to help decipher them. More than 6m LinkedIn passwords and about 1.5m eHarmony passwords have ...
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The Guardian (blog)

Blogs5 new results for hacking
eHarmony Hacking May Be Much Bigger Than 1.5 Million Passwords
By Samantha Murphy
With 8 million stolen passwords from LinkedIn and eHarmony posted online, one thing is clear: Members of the popular dating site use much more secure passwords.
Mashable » Mobile
U.K.'s Cameron to testify in phone hacking probe June 14 | The Raw ...
By Agence France-Presse
Prime Minister David Cameron is to appear next week before an inquiry into press ethics sparked by the phone-hacking scandal at Rupert Murdoch's newspapers. Cameron, whose government has been under fire over a series of revelations ...
The Raw Story
#NewWorldNextWeek: Episode115 - Gmail Hacking, Panda + Bear ...
Episode115 - Gmail Hacking, Panda + Bear, TB Resistance Visit to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn and share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett ...
Media Monarchy
Forget Android: the iPhone Is a Better Phone for Hacking, Tweaking ...
By Whitson Gordon
Most of us think of Android as the perfect phone for tweakers and customizers: it's open source, it has a ton of different hardware options, and the OS lets you do a lot more out of the box. We think of the iPhone as a closed system, a horrible ...
Lifehacker: Iphone
What LinkedIn can learn from Sony about a hacking crisis — Tech ...
By Jeff John Roberts
It's been more than 24 hours since the first reports that hackers broke into millions of users' LinkedIn accounts. The company's response so far indicates it has learned nothing from other hacking episodes and chosen instead a ...

Web1 new result for hacking
8 Tools for Hacking Your Productivity - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: Mashable's new video series, Behind the Launch, follows Vungle on its startup journey toward a June launch. Each week on Mashable, the ...

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