Friday, June 15, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
UK PM Cameron defends ill-fated Andy Coulson hire
Bloomberg Businessweek
Cameron said he had received assurances that Coulson was not involved in the phone-hacking scandal -- but those proved hollow when Coulson was forced to ...
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U.K Hacking Suspect Indicted on U.S. Crimes
NASDAQ News: U.K Hacking Suspect Indicted on U.S. Crimes.
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David Cameron, UK leader, defends Coulson hiring at hacking inquiry
CBS News
British PM takes "full responsibility" for hiring former editor tarnished in phone hacking scandal as communications director.
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CBS News
Cameron grilled on press ethics; denies Murdoch deal
The Seattle Times
She has been arrested, and is free on bail, on suspicion of obstructing justice in the police investigation of the phone hacking at News of the World, the tabloid ...
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Briton accused of hacking Fox, PBS websites
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A 20-year-old Briton suspected of links to the hacking group Lulz Security is accused of cracking into websites for a Fox reality TV show, ...
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UK hacking suspect Cleary indicted on US crimes
Outcome Magazine
Ryan Cleary was indicted by US prosecutors for conspiring to hack into computer systems to steal data and to overwhelm websites with simultaneous requests ...
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LulzSec Hacker Indicted in US for Sony, X Factor Hacks
PC Magazine
U.K. resident and LulzSec member Ryan Cleary was indicted in Los Angeles federal court today for hacking the websites of Fox, PBS, and Sony, among others.
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Alleged LulzSec member charged with Fox, PBS hacks
CBS News
A federal grand jury indicted Ryan Cleary on conspiracy and hacking charges for allegedly hacking the websites of Fox, PBS and others Read more by ...
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CBS News
Cameron in the hot seat at British media inquiry
Philadelphia Inquirer
UK prime minister to testify at hacking inquiry ... in a judicial inquiry on media ethics that he himself had initiated in light of Britain's phone-hacking scandal.
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Leveson inquiry testimony lays bare David Cameron's media ...
The Guardian
Cameron said: "I was, of course, aware of the phone hacking-related article the Guardian published in July 2009 … I did not see any information in those articles ...
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The Guardian

Blogs4 new results for hacking
LulzSec hacking suspect Ryan Cleary now faces charges in the USA
By Paul Ducklin
The sorry saga of Ryan Cleary, now 20 years old and an alleged hacker from the group LulzSec, continues to unfold. Arrested in the UK, charged, released and then re-arrested, Cleary now faces federal hacking charges in the USA as well.
Naked Security - Sophos
Ryan Cleary charged in LulzSec hacking case - AfterDawn
Ryan Cleary, the 20-year old British student arrested last year for his alleged part in the LulzSec hacking episodes, has been charged with hacking Fox, PBS and Sony sites ...
Ryan Cleary, Accused LulzSec Hacker, Indicted By Grand Jury For ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
A federal grand jury indicted Ryan Cleary on conspiracy and hacking charges for allegedly hacking sites for the talent competition "The X-Factor," the site for "PBS NewsHour," Sony Pictures and others. The indictment filed Tuesday alleges ...
The Full Feed from
China tech company admits hacking U.S. telecoms
WASHINGTON – A major Chinese telecommunications company has been boasting how it was able to hack into U.S. and international telecommunications networks and intercept what it suggested was "malicious" data. The claim was made ...

Web1 new result for hacking
UK PM Cameron testifies at phone hacking inquiry - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: Prime Minister David Cameron says press regulation needs to be improved in Britain as he testified before a U.K. media ethics inquiry.

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