Monday, June 4, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
'SwaggSec' claims hack of China Telecom, Warner Bros.
By Jeremy Kirk IDG News Service - A hacking group is claiming to have breached the networks of Warner Bros. and China Telecom, releasing documents and publishing login credentials. Swagger Security, or "SwaggSec," announced the breach Sunday on ...
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Hacker group hits Warner Bros and China Telecom
TG Daily
A group calling itself SwaggSec is claiming to have hacked the networks of Warner Bros and China Telecom, and has released documents and logins online. In a statement on Pastebin, the group says that both companies had severe vulnerabilities.
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Hackers claim China Telecom and Warner Bros breach
An internet hacking group has claimed to have broken into and accessed information on the Warner Bros and China Telecoms networks. The hacking group posted on their Twitter account (under the name Swagg Security) that they had acquired access to the ...
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Random Hacks of Kindness brings 'hackers' together to give back
YNN, Your News Now
Participants hope their good intentions will help bring a positive connotation to the word "hacking." "When we say hacking we mean just cracking down on a problem," engineer Michael Pratt said. "It is not always the neatest solution.
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YNN, Your News Now
"Hello, I Am Sabu ... "
New York Magazine
From a housing project on Avenue D, a hacker mastermind of Anonymous and LulzSec was out to upend many worlds. Including his own. By Steve Fishman On the day that he joined forces with the hacker collective Anonymous, Hector Xavier Monsegur walked his ...
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New York Magazine
Hacking the Kinect
It is amazing what you can do with it - so do we really need the word "hacking" in the title to make it seem even more exciting? To an extent the word "Hacking" really is justified when applied to the particular book - and not always in a good way.
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Hacked off over hacking? Switch off
Burton Mail
Much of the article is derogatory in tone about those who have been on the receiving end of phone hacking. If he finds it tedious listening to 'the endles stream of celebs' taking the stand, then why watch it? It is optional.
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Can hackers target a pacemaker?
InformationWeek India
It seems, there are no devices, which are hacker-safe any longer — from ATMs, cars, smartphones to medical devices. Though, it may sound like a plot of a crime thriller, serious investigations and experiments have revealed that medical implants like ...
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Grand Prix du Canada cancels open house after hacker threats
Anonymous Operation Quebec, which opposes Quebec bill 78 that limits public protests, said last week it planned "to wreck (F1 boss Bernie) Ecclestone's little party" by hacking Grand Prix websites and possibly publishing ticket buyers' private credit ...
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Attack of the zero-day hunters
Sydney Morning Herald
Brilliant and boyish-looking, Miller has a PhD in math from the University of Notre Dame and spent five years at the National Security Agency, where he secretly hacked into foreign computer systems for the US government.
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Sydney Morning Herald

Blogs1 new result for hacking
As Patients' Records Go Ditigal, Theft And Hacking Problems Grow ...
By David Schultz
Keeping records secure is a challenge that doctors, public health officials and federal regulators are just beginning to grasp. And, as two recent incidents at Howard University Hospital show, inadequate data security can affect huge numbers ...
All Kaiser Health News

Web1 new result for hacking
Featured Problems from Alerted and Hacking Autism | Random ...
Today we bring two new problems into the featured problem set for RHoK this June. This is in addition to the current problems in the set: immigration issues from ...

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