Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hackers mess up All India quota PG medical seats allotment
Times of India
Authorities may still be grappling with the menace of leakage of question papers, but merit has come under fresh threats, this time from hackers who have ...
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Hacker claims breach of 79 banks, releases customer data
A week after announcing retirement, Reckz0r releases customer data ostensibly culled from bank computers. Read this blog post by Elinor Mills on Security ...
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Hacked firms fight back with vigilante justice
Globe and Mail
Security experts say some frustrated companies have deployed deception and offensive counter-hacks on digital assailants.
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Globe and Mail
News Corp.'s Klein Steps Down From Committee Examining Hacking
News Corp. (NWSA) executive Joel Klein stepped down as the head of the company's internal committee investigating phone hacking and bribery, passing the ...
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Hacking the hackers: U.S. Companies fight back against cyber-crime ...
Daily Mail
Known in the cybersecurity industry as 'active defense' or 'strike-back' technology, the reprisals range from modest steps to distract and delay a hacker to more ...
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Daily Mail
Hacked companies fight back with controversial steps
Hacked companies fight back with controversial steps: Frustrated by their inability to stop sophisticated hacking attacks or use the law to punish their ...
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Developments in British phone-hacking scandal
CBS News
February 2010: Parliamentary committee finds no evidence that Coulson knew about phone hacking but states it's "inconceivable" that no one apart from royal ...
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Zweifach to head phone hacking committee: Exec to head News ...
Chicago Tribune
News Corp. has officially named general council Gerson Zweifach head of the internal Management and Standards Committee that's investigating phone ...
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Hacked companies start hacking back
More companies are risking escalating retaliation with the hacker community by directly going after hackers who break into their systems, Reuters repo.
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News Corp hacking committee head Joel Klein steps down
Joel Klein has stepped down as head of News Corp's internal committee investigating claims of bribery and phone hacking, the media company said.
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
News Corp. General Counsel Takes Over Phone Hacking Committee
By Georg Szalai
Joel Klein will switch his focus back to the conglomerate's education division.
Klein gives up role in News Corp hacking probe - seattlepi.com
NEW YORK (AP) — Former U.S. assistant attorney general Joel Klein is relinquishing his role as head of News Corp.'s internal probe into phone hacking at its British newspaper unit. News Corp. said the move allows Klein to return to his ...
Business Heds Index

Web2 new results for hacking
Hacked companies start hacking back - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: More companies are risking escalating retaliation with the hacker community by directly going after hackers who break into their systems, ...
"Hacking" Strikes Fear in the Heart of Texas Bureau of Prisons ...
Hacking Exposed was written by three well-respected information security professionals, two of whom work at McAfee, and is intended to educate infosec ...

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