Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
British computer hackers admit CIA and police cyber attacks
New York Post
LONDON -- Two British computer hackers have admitted they were behind cyber attacks on the websites of the UK's Serious Organised Crime Squad, the CIA ...
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New York Post
Two hackers plead guilty to LulzSec attacks on Web sites
Ryan Cleary and Jake Davis, aka 'Topiary,' plead guilty to DDoS attacks; two others plead not guilty. The charges centered on events in a 50-day hacking spree ...
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Russian Opposition Leader's Twitter Gets Hacked
ABC News
Hackers have broken into a prominent Russian opposition leader's Twitter and email accounts, replacing his image with an iconic Russian musketeer movie ...
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LulzSec Hackers Plead Guilty
Two British hackers linked to notorious hacking collective LulzSec plead guilty Monday to a number of cybercrimes, finally bringing justice to those who thought it ...
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LulzSec Hackers Plead Guilty in London Court
PC Magazine
Two British hackers linked to the notorious LulzSec group pleaded guilty in London court on Monday to attacking the websites of a number of high-profile ...
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UK hackers admit plotting attacks on CIA, firms
LONDON, June 25 (Reuters) - Two British hackers pleadedguilty in a London court on Monday to plotting attacks againstcomputers of international firms, law ...
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2 UK hacking suspects plead guilty
Two British members of the notorious Lulz Security hacking collective pleaded guilty to a slew of computer crimes Monday, the latest blow against online ...
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Two LulzSec hackers plead guilty in London court
CBS News
Two British hackers linked to the notorious Lulz Security group pleaded guilty to a slew of computer crimes Monday Read more by CBSNews (Hidden Byline) on ...
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CBS News
TECHNOLOGY: 2 hackers admit attacking sites of CIA, Sony, PBS
Delmarva Daily Times
Two U.K. hackers pleaded guilty today to attacking websites of some big entertainment companies and government agencies in Britain and the United States.
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Lulzsec pair plead guilty to hacking, two more deny charges | Joystiq
By David Hinkle
Ryan Cleary and Jake Davis are two individuals who were suspected to be involved with hacking group Lulzsec, an outfit claiming responsibility for several high-profile attacks in the gaming industry in 2011. Lulzsec is perhaps best known for ...
LulzSec hackers plead guilty UK court
By Brad Reed
Two LulzSec hackers may soon learn that it's easier to break into government databases than it is to break out of jail. Ryan Cleary, 19, and Jake Davi.
BGR: The Three Biggest Letters In Tech
LulzSec hacking duo plead guilty to string of attacks against US and ...
By Graham Cluley
Jake Davis and Ryan Cleary have entered guilty pleas to some of the charges against them related to LulzSec attacks on high profile websites last year.
Naked Security - Sophos
Two Lulzec members plead guilty to hacking Soca, CIA websites ...
By Mark Brown
Two members of Lulzsec have admitted to hacking into high profile websites, such as the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency, and the CIA.
Wired.co.uk - News
Isles teenager admits serious hacking charges | ShetlandTimes.co.uk
By Shetland Times
A teenager raised in Shetland has admitted hacking into the websites of major organisations in the UK and United States, such as the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) and the CIA.

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