Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Where are these 8 Most Anticipated Laptops?/Indian-Founded Palo Alto Networks to go IPO/Top 5 Rumors about iPhone5/Scientists Create A Dream App-T B Vema

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siliconindia Daily dose
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
6 Reason to buy Sterling holidays vacation plan
Gadget Guide
The first quarter of 2012 is coming to an end and till now there are many anticipated products which we haven't seen in the market.
Samsung's YOUM brand which focuses on AMOLED display is now entirely concentrating on flexible displays, which are expected to hit the gadget market by the end of 2012.
Startup City
Instagram has just been acquired by Facebook for $1 billion in cash and stock. Read to know about the acquisition story of the startup.
Read to know about the latest trends and hottest technology that the early stage VC firm Kae would like to bet on.
Independent villas at Rs. 20 lakhs, Near Greenfield Airport, Chennai
Permanent workers of telecom equipment maker Nokia Siemens Networks India staged a sit-in strike protesting against over 50 workers being barred.
A large section of Kingfisher Airlines employees, including pilots and engineers, received their salaries after a delay of nearly four months, airline sources said.
Real Estate City
Home buyers are in buoyant mood as Karnataka state budget has reduced stamp duty on sale deeds by 5 percent from 6 percent.
Surprisingly, it is found that more than 4.2 lakh houses are still lying vacant in Mumbai, according to district level data from Census 2011.
Humor of the Day
A wealthy investor walked into a bank and said to the bank manager, "I would like to speak with Mr. Reginald Jones, who I understand is a tried..
After Watching IPL Cricket... Guard: Gentleman Match Is Over Now! Why Are U Still Watching At Pavallion?
So I was in my car, and I was driving along, and my boss rang up, and he said You have been promoted. And I swerved. And then he rang up a..
Forget about storage space, cloud is the new hard drive and internet has gone "cloudier" than ever. Here are the best 7 cloud storage for your personal data.
Launching Airtel's 4G services in Kolkata Tuesday, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal admitted that 3G services have not been as popular as 2G.
Personal Finance
'Home is where the heart is', so make sure your house is protected from all hazards. Listed are the things you should know about home insurance.
We all have different purchase patterns. The trick is to identify and rectify them. Once we are able to achieve this, tackling money problems will be a breeze.
It is a basic necessity to understand some of the psychological facts about yourself which are avoiding you to achieve your goal.
Know about the top 3 interview questions to ask the FB Generation candidate, to hire the best one for your company.
Choose the Best Training Institute with a choice from 5000+ Institutes
Training & Courses
Lithan Genovate SAP Academy offers you comprehensive training in SAP solutions and best business practices that can lead to certification as an SAP consultant with ASSURED PLACEMENT.
InnovationM School of Android offers Android Corporate Training to various mobile product development & services companies & conducts specialized training classes for individuals who want to build a career in Android.
2009 founded is a leader in Indian e-commerce space, thanks to process oriented and customer centric approach.
With a focus on reverse innovation, Dinesh Paliwal, CEO, Harman International turned the company's fortunes and position in market.
What if not IIM's
Blogs: Editor's Choice
This is a wake up call for those who believe that they cannot reduce their risk of falling sick. When it comes to health, evil is watching you closely at least three times a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Gone are the days, when Internet Marketing was all about having a website or placing some banner ads on a few popular websites. As of today, it has evolved into a broader mix of components..
Life & Style
Royal weddings always have a different flavor added to it, with its rich and unique style ranging from decorations to food.
It's known that women find it a bit harder to kick the butt than men. Now, a new study has found why - it's because their brains respond quite differently to nicotine.

QA Times
Selenium is a set of tools that help in the rapid development of test script for web-based application. Which is one of the very powerful open source automation tool.
As globalization expands its reach and technologies advance at a dizzying rate, new and exciting opportunities exist for businesses to grow and expand.

Enterprise IT
Hacker group Anonymous has claimed to have defaced around 500 websites in China to protest against the Chinese government's strict control of its citizens.
In 2012 worldwide IT spending is expected to reach $3.7 trillion that is an increase of 2.5 percent from previous year.
India's enterprise software market is forecast to maintain its strong performance, with an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.6 per cent from 2009 to 2016.

The bright and colourful flowers gives pleasure to our eyes and hearts; the lovely sound of birds and the fresh breeze creates an everlasting impression.
One of the most remarkable features of the Khasi Hills are the sacred forests, which have been preserved by traditional religious sanction, since the ancient days.

US Indian
The Association of Indian Muslims of America (AIM) an NGO of Indian Muslims based in Washington DC demanded the immediate release of Indian journalist Kazmi.
Governor Haley has again ruled out a vice presidential run, but what is a making more news is a 'bizarre' question posed to her about Sikh taxi drivers.
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