Saturday, April 7, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
Anonymous Hackers Deface 500 Chinese Government Websites
Defacement attacks are frequent but the scale of what the previously unknown Chinese wing of the group and hackers invited via Twitter launched from March 30 onwards is still unusual. The full list of attacked domains posted on Pastebin has now reached ...
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Hacker steals Chinese government defense contracts
ZDNet (blog)
By Emil Protalinski | April 6, 2012, 9:53pm PDT Summary: Hacktivist Hardcore Charlie says he has hacked China National Import & Export Corp (CEIC), a Chinese government defense contractor, and stole over 500MB worth of documents.
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Chinese company denies claim of hacking attack
Chicago Tribune
By Joe Menn April 7 (Reuters) - A Chinese defense contractor on Saturday denied that documents posted to the Web by a computer hacker came from an intrusion of the company, as the hacker said in public statements and interviews with Reuters.
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For Murdoch, the Sky Has Fallen
Huffington Post (blog)
On Thursday, Sky News became the fifth enterprise owned by Rupert Murdoch to be implicated in criminal behavior since investigations into the phone-hacking scandal began. In this case, the news channel did so to gain information about a British man who ...
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Hackers claim to have defaced 500 Chinese websites
Hindustan Times
Activists with hacker skills were behind more than half the data stolen in cyber attacks last year. Photo: AFP/adashi/ Hacker group Anonymous has claimed to have defaced around 500 websites in China to protest against the Chinese ...
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Hindustan Times
Is Hacking Sometimes In the Public Interest? (blog)
by Kristina Chew Sky News, which is partially owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, said on Thursday that one of its senior executives had authorized a reporter to hack into email on two separate occasions, both of which were "in the public ...
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LulzSec hacker pleads guilty in Sony breach - omg Tech News
San Francisco Luxury News
LOS ANGELES: Accused LulzSec hacker Cody Kretsinger pleaded guilty in federal court in California to taking part in an extensive computer breach of Sony Pictures Entertainment. Kretsinger, a 24-year-old who used the moniker "Recursion," pleaded guilty ...
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Hackers hitting Macs with virus: experts - Science and Technology News Today
San Francisco Luxury News
The infections, spotted "in the wild" by Finland-based computer security firm F-Secure and then quantified by Russian anti-virus program vendor Dr. Web, come as hackers increasingly take aim at Apple computers. "All the stuff the bad guys have learned ...
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Web2 new results for hacking
Facebook vulnerability allows hacking of iPhone app | The Raw Story
Earlier this week, a Facebook app developer reported that he had found a security hole which allows the log-in information sent to Facebook from a variety of ...
Accused LulzSec hacker pleads guilty in Sony breach - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Accused LulzSec hacker Cody Kretsinger pleaded guilty on Thursday in federal court in California to taking part ...

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