Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Most Influential Indian Tweeters/ Indians in US Returning Home/ Facebook Acquires IITians-Founded Company/ 8 Best Tablets to Buy Now-T B Vema

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siliconindia Daily dose
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
6 Reason to buy Sterling holidays vacation plan
Gadget Guide
Those who are not interested to invest big bucks on smartphones but still wants Wi-Fi connectivity then, here are the best options available for you.
World's most lavish iPhone collections has an over 4000 studded diamonds, gold platting and alligator leather covered models.
Startup City
Is 'Outsourced to Bangalore' coming to an end? Are we looking at a major shift in policy from the Western Powers? Read to know.
Facebook has acquired another mobile loyalty startup Tagtile for an undisclosed amount. Read to know about it.
Independent villas at Rs. 20 lakhs, Near Greenfield Airport, Chennai
Wedding is an expensive affair. It is something that is considered as a status symbol among the rich. The rich or the royal families spend millions and millions of money to have extravagant weddings.
Vodafone threatened to drag the government to international arbitration over retrospective tax legislation under the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) between India and the Netherlands.
Real Estate City
The residential real estate sector has made a new record with 33, 000 per square feet for an apartment sale at Kingfisher Towers.
Property prices are touching sky across the globe. Although the initial investment on property could be huge, but it's all worth it, as the return on investment is equally good.
Humor of the Day
GOVERNMENT ECONOMIST VIRUS: Nothing works, but all your diagnostic software says everything is fine..
Customer care officer: I need a product identification number right now and may I help you in finding it out?
An airplane pilot dies at the controls. He goes to Hell. The devil takes him to the newly arrived area..
It is important to keep the style of design and look of the website in mind while doing web designing. Keeping the balance of color, feel and simplicity is the key to attract visitors.
Google is the Optimus Prime in search and advertising on the planet. Facebook, on the other hand is the best social network world ever saw.
Personal Finance
With this Budget's new rules for life Insurance, it was presumed that mis-selling will take a back seat from now on. But it is not the scene here.
Men tend to be a bit rash when it comes to money matters. Married men are still cautious to an extent but bachelors sometimes go overboard with financial decisions.
With over one million job applications, do you know how Google recruits the right Candidates? Check it out here.
Many think office meeting is simply a waste of time, but actually it can be conducted interestingly if you follow these methods.
Excellent IT Jobs for Senior Techies with a Reputed Company
Training & Courses
Lithan Genovate SAP Academy offers you comprehensive training in SAP solutions and best business practices that can lead to certification as an SAP consultant with ASSURED PLACEMENT.
InnovationM School of Android offers Android Corporate Training to various mobile product development & services companies & conducts specialized training classes for individuals who want to build a career in Android.
2009 founded is a leader in Indian e-commerce space, thanks to process oriented and customer centric approach.
With a focus on reverse innovation, Dinesh Paliwal, CEO, Harman International turned the company's fortunes and position in market.
What if not IIM's
Blogs: Editor's Choice
Times of India reported today that the demand for including the PM within the ambit of the proposed Lokpal Bill is drawing flake from Congress Party. Their spokesperson has accused Anna to be very..
India's Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector is facing stiff competition from the likes of Mexico, Malaysia, Philippines, China, Canada and Ireland that are posing a grave threat..
Life & Style
Natural disasters can occur at the least expected time wiping away entire cities and the lives of millions. The damage caused by these hazards is immeasurable.
Scientists say they are building a 'human brain', using the world's most powerful supercomputer that will simulate the entire mind and thus help fight against brain diseases.

QA Times
Software Test Engineer needs a proper vision to successfully test a piece and here are set of principles & guidelines to evaluate software quality.
A good quality of a tester is to approach things with negative attitude from end user perspectives which will help them to locate the error.

Enterprise IT
Provide security, save time, lessen complexity, easy availability and flexibility is what IT executives name as an 'deal product'.
The survey showed that, nearly half of respondents̢۪ enterprises (44 percent) are planning to increase their IT-related investments selectively in the next 12 months.

Kodaikanal is a charming hill station, which stands amidst sylvan beauty on the southern crest of the upper Palani Hills near Madurai in Tamil Nadu.
Have you ever wondered where the political leaders holiday and spend their time unplugged from their busy schedule?

US Indian
Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley says that she won't accept an offer to be the nominee for the post of Mitt Romney's vice president.
A young Indian American has created history of sorts after winning the primaries in a school board election in the State of Maryland.
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