Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Federal anti-hacking prosecutions reined in by appeals court ruling
San Jose Mercury News
In a case against a Danville man, the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals found the Justice Department had gone too far in enforcing a nearly 30-year-old computer hacking law, expressing concern that on-the-job "minor dalliances" with Facebook and Google ...
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Court Rebukes DOJ, Says Hacking Required to be Prosecuted as Hacker
Wired News
By David Kravets Employees may not be prosecuted under a federal anti-hacking statute for simply violating their employer's computer use policy, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday, dealing a blow to the Obama administration's Justice Department, ...
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Wired News
Can Your Insulin Pump Be Hacked?
ABC News (blog)
A researcher from McAfee, the global tech security company, was able to hack into an insulin pump and cause the device to dispense all 300 units of insulin it contained, according to BBC News. The wireless signals used to communicate with the pump ...
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Dozens of journalists allegedly involved in hacking scandal
CP24, Canada
Interest in Whittamore and his associates has been revived by Britain's phone hacking scandal, which erupted last year after it emerged that Murdoch's News of the World tabloid routinely hacked into the phones of celebrities and others in the news and ...
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Court Defends Misuse of Work PCs
Wall Street Journal
In a closely watched case, the San Francisco-based US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rejected the government's interpretation of a 1984 anti-hacking statute called the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. The Justice Department had argued that the law ...
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Board Urges Feds to Prevent Medical Device Hacking
Wired News (blog)
Last August, security researcher Jerome Radcliffe caused a public stir when he demonstrated how he could hack his own insulin pump at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas. Radcliffe's device was designed to communicate with a $20 dongle that ...
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Wired News (blog)
Stealing Trade Secrets Isn't Hacking, Full 9th Circuit Rules
Courthouse News Service
By TIM HULL (CN) - Refusing to broaden its interpretation of a federal anti-hacking law, the full 9th Circuit on Tuesday affirmed dismissal of several charges against a corporate headhunter who allegedly relied on his former employer's confidential ...
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Experts say hackers increasingly targeting smart phones
by Action 4 News Staff Hackers are increasingly turning their attention to smart phone and if users are not protected, they could steal private information, security experts said. "The hackers are beginning to see that the smart phones are easier to ...
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Court to DOJ: Surfing on Work PC Isn't Hacking
Network World
The idea that checking email, or a quick visit to Facebook, Twitter or other any social media site might be considered "hacking" and land you in prison is preposterous. The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals injected a dose of sanity into the government's ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
FBI Finds Smart Meter Hacking Surprisingly Easy : Greentech Media
Smart meters thwart theft in some countries, but introduce hacking in new forms in other places.
Greentech Media: Headlines

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