Thursday, April 5, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Global hacking group Anonymous says it hacked Chinese government sites
Washington Post
BEIJING — China was struggling Thursday to restore several government Web sites that international hacking group Anonymous says it attacked in an apparent protest against Chinese Internet restrictions. On a Twitter account established in late March, ...
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'Anonymous' Says It Hacked Chinese Government Sites
By AP | April 5, 2012 | + BEIJING (AP) — China was struggling Thursday to restore several government websites that international hacking group Anonymous says it attacked in an apparent protest against Chinese Internet restrictions.
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UK's Sky News: We hacked in the public interest
The Associated Press
By RAPHAEL SATTER, AP – 1 minute ago LONDON (AP) — Rupert Murdoch's Sky News channel twice authorized its reporters to hack into computers, a potentially embarrassing revelation that could further dent the media tycoon's hope of acquiring full control ...
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Murdoch's Sky News admits hacking emails
New York Daily News
LONDON — Rupert Murdoch's Sky News channel twice authorized its reporters to hack into computers, a potentially embarrassing revelation that could further dent the media tycoon's hope of acquiring full control over satellite broadcaster BSkyB.
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New York Daily News
Sky News admits hacking emails of 'canoe man'
The Guardian
Sky News has admitted that one of its senior executives authorised a journalist to conduct email hacking on two separate occasions that it said were "in the public interest" – even though intercepting emails is a prima facie breach of the Computer ...
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The Guardian
UK hacker accessed accounts for 20 months before bust
By Taylor Armerding CSO - The reassuring news in the UK this past week was that Edward Pearson, a 23-year-old hacker from York, was jailed for 26 months after stealing the personal information of bank card, credit card and PayPal customers.
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Hacker claims breach of Chinese defense contractor
By Joseph Menn (Reuters) - A hacker has posted thousands of internal documents he says he obtained by breaking into the network of a Chinese company with defense contracts, an unusual extension of the phenomenon of activist hacking into the world's ...
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Murdoch's Sky News admits to email hacking
Chicago Tribune
LONDON (Reuters) - Sky News, part of Rupert Murdoch's media empire, has admitted hacking into emails on two occasions, saying on Thursday the actions had been justified and were in the public interest. On one occasion, the news channel of British ...
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UK's Sky News -- part-owned by News Corp -- admits email hacking
By Ian Johnston, LONDON -- UK broadcaster Sky News -- part-owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation -- admitted Thursday that it approved the hacking of emails by a journalist, but insisted it had been done in the public interest.
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UK broadcaster Sky News admits email hacking
ZDNet (blog)
By Zack Whittaker | April 5, 2012, 5:56am PDT Summary: British broadcaster Sky News, part owned by Rupert Murdoch's media empire, says it hacked into criminals' email accounts to "serve the public interest". British broadcaster Sky News says executives ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Wasps owner is a hacking suspect « Shropshire Star
The millionaire owner of Wasps rugby club is a suspect in Scotland Yard's computer-hacking investigation.
Shropshire Star » Shropshire Star
Sienna Miller Challenged By News International Over Her Hacking ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
LONDON (AP) — Rupert Murdoch's News International is challenging celebrity phone hacking victim Sienna Miller over her legal bill, a person close to the case said late Wednesday. Miller was one of the first public figures to take the British ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed

Web1 new result for hacking
Sky News admits hacking emails of 'canoe man' | Media | guardian ...
Broadcaster says accessing of emails of John Darwin, who faked own death, was authorised by executives and in public interest.

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