Sunday, April 29, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
McConnell 'phone hacking victim'
Fife Today
A former Scottish First Minister says he is pursuing legal action after it emerged he may have been a victim of phone hacking by the News of the World. Jack McConnell said he was "speaking to solicitors" after police said his and his children's ...
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Fife Today
Lord McConnell to take phone hacking legal action
BBC News
A former Scottish first minister has said he is taking legal action over allegations of phone hacking by the News of the World. Lord McConnell said police had told him he was among the potential victims of the scandal. The telephone numbers of his two ...
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BBC News
Former First Minister Jack McConnell sues after being told his phone was ...
Scottish Daily Record
JACK McCONNELL is another victim of the News of the World phone hackers, we can reveal today. Police visited the former First Minister to inform him that details of his phone and those of his children were found in the notes of a private detective who ...
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Murdochs face tough week over phone hacking scandal
Economic Times
Rupert Murdoch's tetchy and uncompromising appearance at a British inquiry into phone hacking could come back to haunt him this week when politicians give their verdict on the scandal at his defunct News of the World newspaper.
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Former Scottish first minister launches phone-hacking legal action
The Guardian
Lord McConnell, the former first minister of Scotland, has begun legal action after evidence emerged suggesting that his and his children's phones may have been hacked by the News of the World. The former leader of Scottish Labour has been told by ...
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The Guardian
Fighting Anonymous: Dover cybersecurity specialist studying hacker group
Foster's Daily Democrat
By JIM HADDADIN DOVER — Looking back at the checkered history of the Internet hacker collective Anonymous, Dover resident Joshua Corman believes people who identify with the group are facing a crucial juncture. Few people have devoted as much time to ...
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BC forestry industry takes a hacking, but pain won't last forever: experts
Winnipeg Free Press
VANCOUVER - A pair of deadly blasts that ripped apart two Britsh Columbia lumber mills have brought more pain to an industry already struggling with economic trouble that has been percolating for years. The explosions, the first in Burns Lake in ...
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Blackmail and back-scratching: a day in the life of News?
Gloucester Advocate
He was being questioned about a story in the News of the World, the Sunday tabloid he closed last year over the phone-hacking scandal. Then-formula one chief Max Mosley had sued the paper following publication of a March 2008 article that claimed he ...
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Hacking probe MP 'bullied and harassed' women at Commons: But he insists it's ...
Daily Mail
By Glen Owen A Labour MP involved in the phone hacking inquiry was last night revealed to be the subject of an investigation into bullying allegations. Paul Farrelly has been accused of harassment by the former clerk of the Culture, Media and Sport ...
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Daily Mail
How to EXact revenge From wrecking his car to hacking off his bits
The Sun
She grabbed a carving knife while former marine John Wayne, then 26, slept and hacked off his manhood. Lorena, 23 at the time, then drove off and threw the ex-marine's penis into a field in Virginia, USA. However, a fireman found it and surgeons ...
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The Sun

Web2 new results for hacking
A VC: Hacking Society
Today, from 10am to 4:30pm eastern, USV will be hosting an event called Hacking Society. This is one of our "sessions events" that we do from time to time.
Phone-hacking inquiry to report next week | Media |
Parliamentary inquiry into phone-hacking scandal to publish its findings on Tuesday.

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