Saturday, April 14, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
hacker jailed over abortion website attack
LONDON (AP) – A judge on Friday sentenced a computer hacker to two years and eight months in jail for breaking into the website of Britain's biggest abortion provider and stealing the personal details of thousands of women. James Jeffery, who claimed ...
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Times of London Sued in Hacking Scandal
New York Times
LONDON — As Britain's hacking scandal shows little sign of easing, a high-profile London lawyer who has been closely involved in pursuing cases involving Rupert Murdoch's British tabloids said on Friday that his firm was suing the upmarket Times of ...
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Hacker who stole 10000 abortion patients' details jailed for nearly three years
The Australian
A HACKER who stole the personal details of 10000 women from the website of the UK's biggest abortion provider has been sentenced to two years and eight months in jail. James Jeffery, 27, who claimed to be affiliated with the hacking group Anonymous, ...
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Murdoch's Times faces email hacking damages claim
By Georgina Prodhan | LONDON (Reuters) - Rupert Murdoch's Times of London is facing a claim for exemplary damages after admitting hacking into the email of an anonymous police blogger to expose his identity, lawyer Mark Lewis told Reuters on Friday.
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BPAS hacker James Jeffery who broke into the website of Britain's biggest ...
Daily Mail
By Rebecca Camber A computer hacker who broke into the website of Britain's largest abortion provider to steal the details of 10000 women was jailed yesterday. James Jeffery, 27, threatened to reveal the identities of patients who had terminations ...
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Daily Mail
Lawyer: Times of London being sued over email hack
By RAPHAEL SATTER A police blogger unmasked by The Times of London is suing the paper after it admitted hacking his email, a lawyer said Friday. It's the latest fallout for Rupert Murdoch's British media empire as the scandal over its reporters' ...
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BPAS hacker jailed for 32 months
The Guardian
An anti-abortion computer hacker who stole the personal details of 10000 women from Britain's largest pregnancy advisory clinic has been sentenced to almost three years in prison. James Jeffery, 27, was a member of the hacking collective Anonymous and ...
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Black Country hacker jailed for attack on abortion website
Birmingham Mail
by Jessica Winch, Birmingham Mail A BLACK Country computer hacker has been jailed for two years and eight months for breaking into an abortion provider's website. James Jeffery, 27 and from Castle Street, Wednesbury, targeted the British Pregnancy ...
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Nightjack Policeman Sues Times of London Over Alleged Computer Hacking
Daily Beast
Peter Jukes reports on Murdoch's widening computer hacking scandal. Now even the mighty Times of London is brought to book. More hacking allegations are emerging against News Corp. in the United Kingdom, extending from phones to computers, ...
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Daily Beast

Blogs5 new results for hacking
Adam Levin: Hacking the Federal Log Jam: One Agency at a Time
By Adam Levin
Twelve weeks ago, the Economic Development Administration was the target of a sophisticated hack attack. What's shocking is not that it happened, it's that despite the return to pre-historic fax-machine technology, the EDA seems to be ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Victory against overbroad "hacking" law
By Walter Olson
Nosal, establishing that (contrary to some fears) the "anti-hacking" provisions of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act do not penalize broad swaths of computer usage that exceed "authorized" use. A ruling the other way might have criminalized ...
NewsDaily: Murdoch's Times faces email hacking damages claim
By Georgina Prodhan
Rupert Murdoch's Times of London is facing a claim for exemplary damages after admitting hacking into the email of an anonymous police blogger to expose his identity, lawyer Mark Lewis told Reuters on Friday.
NewsDaily: Top Headlines
Perdido Street School: More Fallout For Murdoch In Hacking Scandal
By reality-based educator
A British parliamentary report into a phone hacking scandal may lead eventually to News Corp being forced into cutting or selling its stake in the highly profitable pay-TV firm BSkyB, having already dropped its bid to buy it outright last year.
Perdido Street School
Number of victims in Health Dept. hacking expected to go down ...
By Aaron Vaughn
SALT LAKE CITY -- The Utah Department of Health says 120000 letters have been sent so far informing people their personal information has been breached by hackers and that more letters are being sent. – Salt Lake City,...

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