Monday, April 30, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Scandal and Scrutiny Hem In Murdoch's Empire
New York Times
In the months after a phone-hacking scandal erupted in Britain last summer, Rupert Murdoch told people within News Corporation that he wanted to revisit his media company's discontinued $12 billion bid for the pay television service British Sky ...
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New York Times
Murdochs Brace for 'Damning' Phone-Hacking Report
A committee of UK members of parliament is preparing a "damning" report on phone-hacking that will add to the pressure piled on News Corp's Rupert and James Murdoch. After embarrassing revelations about the closeness of politicians to the Murdoch ...
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Politicians blast News International over phone hacking of former First ...
Scottish Daily Record
SCOTS politicians last night united to condemn News International for hacking former first minister Jack McConnell. They called for a Scottish Parliament investigation into the revelation that he and his children were targeted by the News of the World ...
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Jack McConnell phone hacking evidence puts more pressure on Alex Salmond
Alex Salmond has refused to distance himself from Rupert Murdoch despite evidence that Jack McConnell and his children had their mobile phones hacked while the Labour leader was Scotland's First Minister. By Simon Johnson, Scottish Political Editor Mr ...
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Mayday, Mayday: hacking report out tomorrow
Irish Times
British legislators are due to publish a long- awaited report on the phone-hacking scandal that centred on News Corp's now defunct red top News of the World and that has rocked Murdoch's media empire. While it is unclear just how far the report will go ...
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Irish Times
Ex-Scottish First Minister 'victim of phone-hacking'
Press Gazette
By PA Mediapoint A former Scottish First Minister is pursuing legal action after police told him that he and his son and daughter may have been the victims of phone hacking by the News of the World. Jack McConnell said he was "speaking to solicitors"' ...
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How a Cell Phone Busted a Hacker
But the more interesting -- and sobering -- message of the case is that someone known as an elite hacker was busted because he forgot, or didn't know, about the fact that EXIF data (location, camera type, and other image information) is included in ...
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Processor Warns of Hacking Trend
Credit Eligible Over the past year, First Data, the largest payments processor in the US, has seen an uptick in "trolling" - hackers sniffing networks for remote access into point-of-sale systems that are open or loosely protected.
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Jack McConnell to take legal action over alleged phone hacking
FORMER first minister Jack McConnell is pursuing legal action after police told him that he and his children may have been the victims of phone hacking by the News of the World. Lord McConnell said he was "speaking to solicitors" after police said his ...
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Former Scottish leader 'a victim of phone hacking'
The Independent
The former First Minister of Scotland Jack McConnell has become the latest high-profile political target of phone hacking by Rupert Murdoch's News International. The leader of the Scottish Executive between 2001 and 2007 said telephone numbers ...
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