Saturday, April 28, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News7 new results for hacking
Rupert Murdoch Bares Media's Reach to Leveson Inquiry on Phone Hacking
Daily Beast
Back in July, when summoned by Parliament to explain phone hacking committed by his employees, he had assumed a modest persona. "This is the most humble day of my life," he confessed. But appearing before the inquiry into press standards presided over ...
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Daily Beast
Debasing the English Language: What Murdoch Really Said to Parliament
Huffington Post
Entangled in his newspapers disgusting practice of hacking into the private e-mails and phones of innocent victims, Rupert Murdoch appeared before Parliament yesterday and boldly took responsibility and apologized. Or did he?
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Ex-News Corp. Tabloid Reporter Is Cleared in Harassment Case
(NWSA) (NWSA)'s now-defunct News of the World tabloid, was cleared by prosecutors over allegations he threatened a witness in a police investigation of phone hacking. Thurlbeck, 50, won't be charged for posting on his blog the home address of a News ...
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Rupert Murdoch Admits Phone Hacking Cover Up - And Plays The Victim
News Hounds
Rupert Murdoch testified earlier this week in the British inquiry into phone hacking by News Corp. He admitted there had been a cover up at his now-defunct tabloid, News of the World. But rather than take responsibility, he played dumb and blamed ...
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Rupert Murdoch gets candid about British tabloid phone hacking scandal
BY ADELE SAMMARCO With his back against the wall after months of facing public scrutiny, FoxNews media mogul Rupert Murdoch admitted to a phone hacking "cover-up" at his flagship British tabloid newspaper admitting, "This whole business is a serious ...
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UK's News of World reporter cleared of harassment
Chicago Tribune
LONDON (Reuters) - The former chief reporter of the News of the World, the paper at the centre of the News Corp phone-hacking scandal, has been cleared of claims he intimidated a witness involved in a police probe, prosecutors said on Friday.
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Murdoch faces more grilling over UK phone hacking
His appearance is a defining moment in the hacking scandal. His 'Sun´ newspaper calls the govt "dipsticks" London: Rupert Murdoch began a second day of testimony in Britain's High Court on Thursday, subjecting himself to a cross-examination that is ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Hacking: How Hollywood can gets it wrong |
By Andrew Ramadge
Video game graphics, silly buzzwords and even two people typing frantically on the same keyboard at once - Hollywood has often had a bit of fun when it comes to computer hacking. - Digital living
RasterWeb! Making Podcasts? Hacking Podcasts!
By Pete Prodoehl
Maker / Hacker Podcasts. So what is the Gentleman Hacker or Lady Maker listening to nowadays in the way of podcasts? I don't know… but I can tell you what I've been hearing. Here's a round-up of some of my most recent podcast delights.
Health Department Still Notifying SSN Hacking Victims | KCPW
By Whittney Evans
The Utah Department of Health has sent letters to nearly everyone who had their social security number stolen by hackers earlier this month in a massive Medicaid breach. Spokesman Tom Hudachko says 275000 of the 280000 people with ...

Web2 new results for hacking
Rupert Murdoch admits NoW phone-hacking culture of cover-up ...
Murdoch says he was 'misinformed and shielded' from events at paper and points finger at 'one or two strong characters'
Rupert Murdoch admits phone-hacking 'cover-up': 'I failed' | The ...
From the blog The Cutline: News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch testified Thursday to the U.K. committee on media ethics that there was indeed a ...

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