Sunday, April 22, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
Murdoch to be quizzed on his UK political sway
Huffington Post
Now, with his influence shriveled by Britain's phone hacking scandal, media mogul Rupert Murdoch is returning to the UK to face questions about his ties to the country's most senior politicians. It could be an uncomfortable few days for Britain's ...
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Thousands May Lose Internet After Hacking Scam
NBC Bay Area
If your computer was infected by the hackers, you won't be able to connect to the Internet after July 9. By Lolita C. Baldor Hackers infected more than 570000 computers worldwide, according to the FBI. The scam netted the hackers at least $14 million.
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Murdochs face inquiry as hacking scandal is brought to book
Casey Weekly Berwick
In London, the British Labour MP Tom Watson released a new book into the hacking scandal, while in New York, the British lawyer who made his name defending hacking victims said he had been approached by at least 10 people with fresh claims against the ...
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Dozens more phone-hacking lawsuits
The Age
FORTY-SIX new phone-hacking lawsuits have been filed against Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper group, with footballing stars Wayne Rooney and Ryan Giggs among the latest to sue, a court has heard. The cases bring the total number to more than 100 due ...
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Murdoch mocks UK government as arrives for ethics inquiry
Orlando Sentinel
Murdoch, who has courted successive British governments and still owns the Sun and the Times newspapers, closed his bestselling British title, the News of the World, after the phone hacking scandal provoked a public outcry last year.
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Filipino hackers fight back, deface Chinese sites
A day after a Philippine university website was brought down Friday by supposedly Chinese hackers claiming "Huangyan Island (Scarborough Shoal) is Ours!", Filipino hactivists fought back by vandalizing several Chinese websites.
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FBI Advises Internet Users To Test For DNSChanger
According to the Daily Mail, the DNSChanger malware is the result of an advertising scam launched by hackers last year, and many people still have the program on their computers without even realizing it. The FBI set up a system several months ago ...
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Manchester United striker Rooney plans to sue over phone-hacking
By Chris Butterworth JR Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney is one of 46 people who are launching legal proceedings against the alleged phone-hacking activities carried out by News of the World journalists. Other celebrities who appear in the group ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Film Hacking - The Microfilm Files
By Nano_Burger
Microfilm has always been the domain of Spies, War Fighters, and Reference Librarians. áNow you canáco-opt the special properties of microfilm for you...
Instructables: exploring - featured
Unsuspecting Hacking Victims Urged to Take Action — GigaLaw ...
By Doug Isenberg
Unsuspecting Hacking Victims Urged to Take Action. April 21, 2012. For computer users, a few mouse clicks could mean the difference between staying online and losing Internet connections this summer. Unknown to most of them, their ... Daily News

Web1 new result for hacking
Contract hacking and community organizing
Well, it was fun while it lasted. Community organizing. In the strange field of computer science, we publish most of our scholarly articles in refereed conferences.

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