Sunday, April 15, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
'Hack-a-thon' promotes exchange of health care ideas
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
By hacking. With more than 30 other volunteer hackers from southeast Wisconsin, Chicago and even San Francisco, the two are spending most of the weekend at Build Health, a "hack-a-thon" hosted by Bucketworks in Milwaukee. The nonprofit organization ...
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Times sued over police hacking
Network World
The action, reported by the BBC is will increase pressure on News International over long running phone and email hacking allegations, as well as claims that it hacked Satellite TV company Police blogger Richard Horton is suing the Times newspaper ...
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Ship code or ship out
San Jose Mercury News
Underneath, printed in big, bold, red letters, are slogans like: "We Hack Therefore We Are," or "Move Fast and Break Things." Within days, your software code will be in front of our more than 845 million users. And so begins the six-week journey of a ...
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Report: Photo of scantily clad 'girlfriend' leads to hacker
GMA News
A photo of a scantily clad woman holding a sign taunting US authorities led to the arrest of a hacker who allegedly broke into US government websites. The photo helped US authorities confirm the identity of – and track down – suspect Higinio Ochoa III, ...
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We're all helpless targets in the computer hacking age
By Charles F. Trentelman I want to find those guys who hacked into the Utah Department of Health's computers. I need them to help me break into my own company's timecard software so I can get paid. Why? The software made me change my password.
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Hacker Fundamentals: The Everyman's Guide to How Network Packets Are Routed ...
Business Insider
In general, hacking and information security is not just one discipline, but a number of them, and today we will look into some of the networking concepts. In the last Hacker Fundamentals, we talked about the OSI model as well as a little on TCP/IP and ...
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UK detective sues Times for hacking
Times of India
LONDON: A blog-writing detective who was unmasked by The Times is suing the newspaper for hacking his email, his lawyer said on Saturday , in the latest twist in the scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch's British titles. Richard Horton lodged a claim at ...
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How do I stop wireless hackers?
How do I stop wireless hackers using my broadband connection in my block of flats? How do I secure my internet? Photo: ALAMY By Rick Maybury I live in a block of flats and connect to the web using a wireless connection. My router is security enabled ...
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You're Wasting Your Time Worrying About Credit Card Hacking
Business Insider
It was no April Fools' joke: On April 1, credit card processing company Global Payments announced it was hacked and 1.5 million credit and debit card numbers may have been "exported." The company reported that although credit cardnumbers had been ...
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Business Insider

Web1 new result for hacking
Murdoch's Times faces email hacking damages claim | Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) - Rupert Murdoch's Times of London is facing a claim for exemplary damages after admitting hacking into the email of an anonymous police ...

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