Saturday, April 21, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Hacker attack underlines Web role in China scandal
The Associated Press
By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN, AP – 1 minute ago BEIJING (AP) — A massive hacker attack has crippled an overseas website that has reported extensively on China's biggest political turmoil in years, underscoring the pivotal role the Internet has played in the ...
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Rooney among new phone-hacking claimants
Chicago Tribune
LONDON (Reuters) - Football star Wayne Rooney and former Prime Minister Tony Blair's wife Cherie are among a new group of 46 people suing over alleged phone-hacking by Rupert Murdoch's News of the World newspaper, court documents showed on Friday.
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Lawyer: News Corp. faces 46 new lawsuits
By RAPHAEL SATTER Nearly 50 new phone hacking lawsuits have been filed against Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper company, a victims' lawyer said Friday, sending the total number of cases to over 100. Hugh Tomlinson told High Court Justice Geoffrey Vos ...
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England star Rooney among new phone-hacking claimants
LONDON, April 20 (Reuters) - England soccer star Wayne Rooney and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair's wife Cherie are among a new group of 46 people suing over alleged phone-hacking by Rupert Murdoch's News of the World newspaper, ...
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Murdochs face UK court showdown over political ties
The 81-year-old mogul and his son James are battling to defend their business in Britain after a year-long phone hacking scandal which has convulsed his media empire, embarrassed politicians and provoked a wave of public revulsion.
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Lawyer: News Corp. Suits Nearly Double to 100+
ABC News
Nearly 50 new phone hacking lawsuits have been filed against Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper company, a lawyer said Friday, including ones by singer James Blunt, soccer star Wayne Rooney and Cherie Blair, the wife of Britain's former prime minister.
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Hacker attack underlines role of internet in China scandal
Times of India
A massive hacker attack has crippled an overseas website that has reported extensively on China's biggest political turmoil in years. BEIJING: A massive hacker attack has crippled an overseas website that has reported extensively on China's biggest ...
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Hackers target F1 websites over Bahrain GP
Fox News
LONDON – A hackers group has claimed responsibility for a denial-of-service attack on the official Formula One website in protest over the running of this weekend's Bahrain Grand Prix. The hacking collective Anonymous also attacked, ...
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Wayne Rooney named in phone hacking case
Belfast Telegraph
Wayne Rooney is among the celebrities to issue damages claims in the latest round of phone hacking litigation. The footballer's action is one of 46 cases, many formally launched in the last few days, which are due to be tried at London's High Court in ...
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Belfast Telegraph

Web2 new results for hacking
Surfin': It's Hacking Time!
This week, Surfin' loses the DIY blahs after learning about new ham radio modules that require hacking.
Phone Hacking Charges May Be Brought Against News Corp. In U.S.
NEW YORK -- The News of the World phone-hacking scandal that exploded in England last summer with a spate of arrests, resignations and several ongoing ...

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