Friday, April 27, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
Murdoch: Hacking scandal changed my entire company
By RAPHAEL SATTER Rupert Murdoch used his testimony before a UK inquiry on Thursday to portray himself as the victim, not perpetrator, of a cover-up over phone hacking -- a bold claim unlikely to be accepted by those suing his company for invading ...
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Phone hacking: Thurlbeck will not be prosecuted over intimidation claims
The Guardian
The former News of the World chief reporter, Neville Thurlbeck, will not be prosecuted over claims of witness intimidation relating to the phone-hacking scandal, the Crown Prosecution Service has said. Thurlbeck was arrested in March by officers from ...
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Murdoch: Hacking scandal cost 'hundreds of millions' (blog)
Rupert Mudoch told British lawmakers he "failed" and repeatedly apologized about the phone hacking scandal at his tabloid newspaper The News of the World. NBC's Stephanie Gosk reports. By Stephanie Gosk, NBC News, and F. Brinley Bruton, ...
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Rupert Murdoch sorry about phone hacking but is also defiant
Los Angeles Times
News Corp. chief Rupert Murdoch testifies in Britain's phone-hacking inquiry: 'The buck stops with me.' But he blames others for a coverup. News Corp. chief Rupert Murdoch leaves with his wife, Wendi Deng, after testifying at the High Court in London.
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Los Angeles Times
Testifying, Murdoch Cites a 'Cover-Up' in Phone Hacking
New York Times
But in the most explosive criticism of all, he unexpectedly accused at least one former employee of presiding over a "cover-up" of phone hacking and other dubious practices at The News of the World tabloid. "I do blame one or two people," he said, ...
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New York Times
Taliban website hacked as Afghan cyber war heats up
Chicago Tribune
KABUL (Reuters) - Hackers have for the third time in less than a year crippled the main website of the Afghan Taliban, with a Taliban spokesman on Friday blaming Western intelligence agencies amid an intensifying cyber war with the insurgents.
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Murdoch apologizes for phone-hacking scandal
San Francisco Chronicle
London -- By turns contrite and defiant, media magnate Rupert Murdoch on Thursday apologized for the phone-hacking scandal that has tarnished his company but then blamed subordinates for covering up the problem and police for failing to investigate it ...
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Rupert Murdoch, at inquiry, regrets not stopping 'coverup' at News of the World
Washington Post
LONDON — Rupert Murdoch expressed regret Thursday for his failure to halt what he called "a coverup" at his News of the World tabloid over the phone-hacking scandal that continues to engulf his media empire. Testifying for a second day at an inquiry ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Rupert Murdoch apologizes for phone-hacking scandal, rues cover ...
By Henry Chu
Media magnate Rupert Murdoch says he is sorry for the phone-hacking scandal, which he says will be "a blot" on his reputation for the rest of his life. The 81-year-old billionaire also blames underlings for covering up the extent of the hacking.
World Now
Rupert Murdoch again apologizes for tabloids' phone hacking ...
By Joe Flint
Rupert Murdoch again apologized for the phone hacking scandal at News Corp.'s British newspaper unit.
Company Town
Murdoch blames everyone else for hacking problem - AMERICAblog
By Chris in Paris
One of America's most influential progressive political blogs, providing news analysis of US politics, by John Aravosis in Washington DC.
US Politics | AMERICAblog News
The Full Rupert 2: Murdoch on Phone-Hacking Coverup : The New ...
By John Cassidy
In a feisty second day of testimony at the Leveson Inquiry today, Rupert Murdoch admitted that some of his British newspaper executives tried to cover up the extent of phone hacking at the News of the World, but he...
News Desk
Op-Ed: Nissan recently hacked, corporate hacking a growing issue
Nissan Motor Company fell victim to a hack incident close to two weeks ago, but waited about a week to go public with the information.
RSS Feed - Top Digital Journal News

Web2 new results for hacking
Michael Moore predicts phone-hacking scandal will spread to Fox ...
Documentary film-maker has 'gut feeling' investigations will reveal phone hacking at Murdoch subsidiary Fox News.
Murdoch: Hacking scandal changed my entire company - Yahoo ...
From Yahoo! News: Rupert Murdoch used his testimony before a U.K. inquiry to portray himself as the victim, not perpetrator, of a cover-up over phone hacking ...

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