Monday, April 2, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
Pastebin: Running the site where hackers publicise their attacks
BBC News
By Leo Kelion Technology reporter Pastebin has become increasingly associated with Anonymous hack attack revelations since it changed ownership in 2010. Over recent years has become a must-visit site for anyone wanting to keep track of the ...
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BBC News
Hackers hit US credit card processor
Financial Times
The privacy of information is a growing concern after high-profile incidents of hacking in recent years as the prevalence of electronic payments grows worldwide. Last year, Citigroup fell victim to an attack that exposed data on hundreds of thousands ...
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Suspects in hacking investigation rebailed
The Independent
Two suspects in Scotland Yard's phone-hacking inquiry have been rebailed. Rebekah Brooks' former PA Cheryl Carter and sports journalist Raoul Simons are both understood to have reported back to police stations on Friday. Mr Simons was originally ...
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Ex-NotW chief faces Leveson again
The Guardian
Three senior figures in the Metropolitan Police have resigned over their links to Mr Wallis, who has been arrested on suspicion of phone hacking. Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson and assistant commissioner John Yates stood down last July, ...
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Suspects in hacking probe rebailed
The Press Association
Ms Carter, who also wrote a beauty column in The Sun, left News International last year after 19 years with the company. She was rebailed until a date in April. There have been 46 arrests surrounding inquiries into hacking and corruption under three ...
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Chinese hackers target Indian websites
Now, a new report by Trend Micro claims that Chinese hackers were responsible for the various attacks on Indian military research bodies and also Tibetan activists. Moreover, it points out that a former graduate student from the Chinese University was ...
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Hacking Together Whole Home Audio With Apple, Logitech, and Rogue Amoeba
Wired (blog)
And, not to steal Logitech's thunder, but I've been hacking together whole home audio for a while now, in somewhat cheaper fashion. Let me tell you how. First, getting your music to your home entertainment center? Apple TV is an AirPlay receiver, ...
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Wired (blog)
Hackers and Players
Business Insider
But below those trends sits a surprising set of parallels between hacker culture and play culture. Hacking and gaming have both been cultures sitting largely on the edge of society, away from the mainstream until relatively recently.
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
Updating your workspace for more organized and efficient hacking ...
By Mike Nathan
If you've ever looked at one of [Todd Harrison's] teardown or how-to videos closely, you would likely notice that his work bench looks like a standard hacker workspace.
Hack a Day

Web1 new result for hacking
News Corp faces new rash of hacking allegations on a global scale ...
Murdoch's media empire denies fresh wave of claims that his firms undermined rivals through code cracking and piracy.

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