Sunday, April 8, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
UK's Home Office under attack from Anonymous hackers
Fox News
Hackers' group Anonymous claimed Saturday to have brought down the website of Britain's Home Office in protest over proposed new electronic surveillance laws. The website went down around 9:30pm local time just moments after the shadowy global hacking ...
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'Expect more online attacks' Anonymous hackers say
BBC News
The hacking group Anonymous says it will launch online attacks every weekend in the wake of allegations it disrupted access to the Home Office website. Anonymous Twitter messages warned of the attack on 4 April, and said: "EXPECT a DDOS (Distributed ...
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BBC News
Recommended: Anonymous attacks: British Home Office website access disrupted ... (blog)
By staff Access to the British Home Office website's was disrupted Saturday after the hacking group Anonymous called on supporters to hit the site with denial-of-service attacks, the BBC reported. In a series of Twitter updates, ...
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Hackers 'shut down' British Home Office website
Zee News
London: Hackers have reportedly attacked the website of the British Home Office, shutting it down for at least one hour on Saturday night. The attack, which hacking group Anonymous had pledged to carry out days before on Wednesday, left the website ...
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Zee News
Hackers 'shut down' Home Office website
The hacking group 'Anonymous' appeared to have shut down the Home Office website on Saturday night, in an apparent protest against extraditions of British citizens to the US and so-called "draconian surveillance proposals." By Adam Lusher An apparent ...
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Now, hackers shut down UK Home Office website
Daily News & Analysis
Hacking group 'Anonymous' hacked into the UK Home Office website on Saturday night and shut it down. The alleged 'denial of service attack' was in protest against 'harsh surveillance proposals' made by the UK Government, which would potentially allow ...
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Anonymous hacks UK government sites over 'draconian surveillance'
ZDNet (blog)
The hacktivist group Anonymous today hacked multiple UK government websites over the country's "draconian surveillance proposals" and "derogation of civil rights." At the time of writing, the following websites are down: (Home Office) ...
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Anonymous hackers take down Home Office site and warn of more attacks
The government has been warned to expect more cyber attacks after hacking collective Anonymous took down the Home Office website on Saturday evening. Anyone trying to access the department's site was greeted with a message that said it was unavailable ...
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Hackers hit the Home Office site
The Independent
Hackers attacked the Home Office website last night in protest at its handling of extradition cases and new plans for internet usage surveillance, leaving the service unavailable to internet users. The hacking group Anonymous was linked to attempts to ...
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Anonymous takes down Home Office website in attack against Government ...
Daily Mail
A message on Twitter claiming to be from Anonymous, a loosely organised group of hackers who promote access to free speech, information and transparency, said the action was 'for [the Home Office's] draconian surveillance proposals'.
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Daily Mail

Blogs2 new results for hacking
Climbing a Shard of Glass | Place Hacking
By Bradley L. Garrett
As of December 2011, the Shard claimed the title of 'tallest building in the European Union', stretching 330 meters into the clouds from London Bridge. It has also been said that is it the most secure site in the city outside of the 2012 Olympic ...
Place Hacking
Hacking scandal hits Murdoch's TV news in UK
Is Sky in danger of falling? Michael Wolff reacts as hacking scandal hits Murdoch's TV news in UK.
The Feed

Web2 new results for hacking
UK broadcaster Sky News admits e-mail hacking -
UK news channel Sky News said Thursday it had authorized its journalists to hack illegally into the e-mail of individual members of the public on two occasions .
Chinese company denies claim of hacking attack - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: (Reuters) - A Chinese defense contractor on Saturday denied that documents posted to the Web by a computer hacker came from an ...

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