Friday, July 27, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
iOS app hacking alive and well
(Credit: Seth Rosenblatt/CNET). LAS VEGAS -- While Apple was making its decidedly lackluster Black Hat debut just one floor up, security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski was explaining the dark art of iOS app hacking to a smaller but still crowded room.
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From Black Hat: Hackers Demonstrate a Rising Vulnerability of Smartphones
New York Times (blog)
Charlie Miller, a security researcher at Accuvant and serial smartphone hacker, demonstrated how easy it is for hackers to exploit near-field communication technology to take control of devices remotely. In front of a packed audience, he successfully hacked ...
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How all your iPhone apps could be hacked at once
With the "bring your own device" phenomenon in full-swing, Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) has been successful at getting its iPhones and iPads into the hands of Fortune 500 companies and even many government agencies, including the White House and the ...
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From Black Hat: Apple's Debut Falls Short
New York Times (blog)
The annual Black Hat hacker conference in Las Vegas on Thursday represented the first time Apple cleared an employee to discuss its internal security so publicly. So when Dallas De Atley, manager of Apple's platform security team, took the stage, the room ...
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Hackers Linked to China's Army Seen From EU to DC
Over 10 days last July, the hackers returned to the council's computers four times, accessing the internal communications of 11 of the EU's economic, security and foreign affairs officials. The breach, unreported until now, potentially gave the intruders an ...
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iPhone Apps Susceptible To Simultaneous Hack
To hack all the apps on your phone, a hacker would need to: 1) steal your iPhone, which isn't so hard, and 2) discover and exploit an iOS vulnerability before Apple does. That's proven to be very hard. It has happened before -- most notably when serial Apple ...
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Hacking experts find new ways to attack Android phones
LAS VEGAS — Hacking experts have demonstrated ways to attack Android smartphones using methods they said work on virtually all such devices in use today, despite recent efforts by search engine giant Google to boost protection. Experts showed off their ...
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Apple's Black Hat Talk Draws Crowd, But Breaks Little Ground
Bloomberg (blog)
A few minutes into Apple's much-anticipated presentation at the Black Hat hacking conference in Las Vegas, it became clear that the secretive company intended on following a familiar script — literally. Thursday's appearance marked the first time that an ...
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Bloomberg (blog)
'Team Poison' hacker who posted Tony Blair's details is jailed
His actions, as leader of hackers group Team Poison, saw the centre's seven lines overwhelmed by an 850 per cent increase in calls, Southwark Crown Court heard. He later posted recordings of the conversations on the internet, including a lengthy call in ...
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Hacking RPG debuts at Black Hat conference
GMA News
Use your Social Engineering and Network Ninja skills to break the Pacific Northwest's power grid, or apply a bit of Hardware Hacking and Software Wizardry to convert your robotic vacuum cleaner into an interactive pet two jobs are the same. So pick ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Hwang on Scoping Legal Hacking « Legal Informatics Blog
By legalinformatics
In this post Tim defines the terms "legal hackers" and "legal hacking" respecting three dimensions of meaning: "The Organizational and Human Capital of the Lawyer," "The Tools of The Lawyer," and "An Approach Towards The Law.
Legal Informatics Blog
Google Android phones target of new hacking attacks - Financial Post
Hacking experts have demonstrated ways to attack Google Android smartphones using methods they said work on virtually all such devices in use today.
Financial Post - Top Stories

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