Thursday, July 19, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Sun Newspaper Journalist Arrested In UK On Hacking Allegations
Huffington Post
LONDON (AP) — British police investigating alleged computer hacking say they have arrested a man in London and Rupert Murdoch's News International media group says he is a journalist for The Sun tabloid. Scotland Yard says the man was arrested early ...
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Hacking Inquiry Closes With Mystery Unsolved
New York Times (blog)
The investigation by the Norfolk Constabulary into the data leak concluded that the hacking was a "sophisticated and carefully orchestrated attack" on the university's digital data files by an unknown outsider operating remotely on the Internet. The police put to ...
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UK Journalist Arrested in Media Probe
Wall Street Journal
LONDON—British police arrested a reporter from News Corp.'s tabloid the Sun on suspicion of a breach of privacy Thursday morning, the latest move in an investigation into crimes other than phone hacking and alleged bribery that News Corp.'s U.K. tabloids ...
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Sun journalist arrested in hacking investigation
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "Officers from Operation Tuleta, the investigation into criminal breaches of privacy which is being carried out in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police Service phone-hacking inquiries, arrested one man at his home in north ...
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Hacker evades British cops in 'climate-gate' probe
The Hill (blog)
The hacking from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) created a political stir on Capitol Hill, fueling GOP claims that scientists sought to squelch data that undercuts evidence of human-induced climate change. But multiple inquiries have found that the ...
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Hacking Victims' Lawyer: Significant Email Emerges
ABC News
David Sherborne told the High Court on Wednesday that the email had been found in March by a law firm representing News International, but had only just been passed to phone hacking victims' lawyers. He described the document as a significant ...
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Sun journalist held in computer hacking probe
MyFox Washington DC
British police on Thursday arrested a journalist from Rupert Murdoch's market-leading tabloid The Sun on suspicion of computer hacking, its publisher said. Police said one man was arrested in a dawn raid on his home in north London as part of Operation ...
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Phone hacking: 'significant' email from News International executive emerges
The Guardian
But David Sherborne, representing hacking victims in the court on Wednesday, said Vos should "understand the enormous significance of that email" which referred to a "well-known individual victim" and the message contained "an instruction relating to an ...
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The Guardian
Computer hacker Gary McKinnon refuses more medical tests
The Independent
Janis Sharp said her son would not undergo a final psychiatric examination before the Home Secretary decides whether to order his extradition. The case will return to London's High Court on Tuesday "in anticipation of an imminent Home Office decision", ...
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Operation Tuleta: Sun journalist arrested in hacking investigation
The Guardian
A journalist at the Sun has been arrested in north London by police from Scotland Yard's Operation Tuleta, which is investigating breaches of privacy including computer hacking. He is understood to be Rhodri Phillips, a news reporter at the paper.
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The Guardian

Blogs5 new results for hacking
MAKE | Hacking Skype for Better Teleconferencing
By Sean Ragan
David Schneider of IEEE Spectrum has an interesting article up about a system he set up to improve his Skype-mediated telepresence at their editorial meetings. Physically, the system consists of four oblong wooden boxes, distributed along ...
Murdoch journalist held in computer hacking probe | The Raw Story
By Agence France-Presse
British police on Thursday arrested a journalist from Rupert Murdoch's market-leading tabloid The Sun on suspicion of computer hacking, its publisher said. Police said one man was arrested in a dawn raid on his home in north London as part ...
The Raw Story
Sun journalist arrested in computer hacking investigation | Naked ...
By Graham Cluley
Scotland Yard has arrested a tabloid journalist as part of their investigation into computer hacking.
Naked Security - Sophos
Rupert Murdoch : News Corp Phone Hacking Email Instruction - Stuff
A British lawyer representing victims of phone hacking by Rupert Murdoch's News International says a significant new email has just emerged in litigation. - Business
Brad Stephenson's Nike Hacking Story on ZDNet | Player Season
By The Player President
The President's story about hacking Nike for over 80K was featured on today. The article was published by Emil Protalinski and I must say it is pretty well written. The story has also been featured on several other websites and I will ...
Player Season

Web2 new results for hacking
AT&T Sponsors Zero-Day Hacking Contest For Kids - Slashdot
yahoi writes "AT&T has teamed up with an 11-year-old hacker and DefCon Kids to host a hacking contest during the second annual conference that runs in ...
Phone hacking: 'significant' email from News International executive ...
High court told of message referring to hacking of 'well known individual' during hearing on civil claims against NoW publisher. By Lisa O'Carroll.

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