Thursday, July 26, 2012

6 people you might know on Google+

Hi TharakeSh!
Here are some people who you might know on Google+.
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Sree Vidyanikethan Residential School
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Trying to find that one email that you got last fall from your mom when she promised to help you come strip your wallpaper?  She sent it sometime last fall, after: 2011/09/01 but before: 2012/01/01...

Using the search operators before: and/or after: in Gmail Search let's you drill in on messages during a certain period of time (using the date format yyyy/mm/dd). Combine this with other advanced search operators to find it quickly, so mom can start planning her trip to help!

Learn more here: http://...
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Rollerman - cyborg on wheels

"Security is a kind of death." — Tennessee Williams

Jean-Yves Blondeau is the inventor of the 31-wheel roller suit. This suit places a number of rollers (similar to those found on rollerblades) on most of the major joints, the torso, and the back. The wearer can ride in a variety of positions (upright, prone, supine, on all fours, etc.) at speeds of up to 70 mph (116 km/h) in downhill. -

Video ➜ + via +2DoBefore &
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Don't want occasional updates about Google+ activity and friend suggestions? Change what emails Google+ sends you.Google+ team

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