Thursday, July 5, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
British police investigating phone hacking, corruption make 3 more arrests
Washington Post
LONDON — Two former members of the National Health Service were arrested Thursday by officers investigating corrupt links between police and journalists exposed by Britain's phone hacking scandal, Scotland Yard said.
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Hacking detective must tell
Philadelphia Inquirer
LONDON - Britain's Supreme Court took a step toward exposing the names at the heart of Britain's phone-hacking scandal Wednesday, ruling that a private investigator convicted of eavesdropping for a Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid must reveal who ordered ...
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Police Arrest Three in News Corp. Phone Hacking, Bribery Probes
London police arrested a 26-year-old News Corp. employee and two former health workers as part of related probes into phone hacking and bribery at News Corp.'s U.K. newspapers.
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Phone hacking: 26-year-old arrested is News International employee
The Guardian
Publisher's chief executive tells staff that suspect arrested on Thursday morning is not a journalist. By Lisa O'Carroll.
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The Guardian
Ex-News Corp. private eye tell who ordered hacking
San Francisco Chronicle
The former News Corp. private detective at the center of the phone-hacking scandal lost a British Supreme Court ruling over his bid to withhold evidence in civil lawsuits that might incriminate him in a criminal case. Glenn Mulcaire, who was jailed in ...
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San Francisco Chronicle
Phone hacking police arrest man on conspiracy to pervert justice
Detectives investigating phone hacking have arrested a 26-year-old man on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, Scotland Yard said. A Scotland Yard detective has been arrested and suspended over alleged leaks to journalists. The man ...
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Phone hacking: man arrested under Operation Weeting
The Guardian
Scotland Yard confirms 26-year-old man is being held on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
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Phone hacking probe: Detectives arrest man, 26, on suspicion of conspiracy to ...
Daily Mail
The man was arrested at a house in Surrey during an early morning swoop today and will be questioned at a London police station as part of the Operation Weeting investigation into hacking of voicemail boxes.
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Daily Mail
Phone hacking probe: Ex-employees of NHS arrested over claims of payments ...
Scottish Daily Record
TWO former NHS employees have been arrested in Somerset by detectives investigating allegations of inappropriate payments to police and public officials.
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
CyanogenMod's Steve Kondik and crew talk Android hacking in ...
By Steve Dent
If you've ever slapped a CyanogenMod ROM on your Android phone instead of waiting months or longer for an official update, you may have wondered who was.
Phone Hacking: A Year After Milly Dowler Scandal, There Is No End ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
"News of the World hacked Milly Dowler's phone during police hunt." A year ago today, the world was shocked by that headline in the Guardian.
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Private Investigator Must Reveal Who Gave Phone Hacking Orders ...
By Stuart Kemp
The U.K.'s Supreme Court has ordered Glen Mulcaire to hand over details of who told him to carry out the hacking at News Corp.'s now-shuttered News of The World.

Web2 new results for hacking
Phone-hacking victims hail Glenn Mulcaire court ruling - The Guardian
Private investigator forced to reveal who at the News of the World allegedly instructed him to intercept voicemails. By Josh Halliday and Lisa O'Carroll.
UK court: Mulcaire must reveal phone hacking names - Yahoo ...
From Yahoo! Finance: A private investigator convicted of hacking phones for a Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid must reveal who at the newspaper ordered him to ...

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