Saturday, July 7, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
Hackers target small businesses
CBS News
Although cybercrime targeting big companies draws most of the headlines, small and midsize enterprises are also vulnerable.
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CBS News
If Hackers Didn't Exist, Governments Would Have to Invent Them
The hackers who dominate news coverage and pop culture don't actually exist. Leaked information results from common data-security problems.
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Hackers target small business bank accounts
CBS Moneywatch
Big company cyber break-ins get most of the attention, but small and medium businesses may be the big targets.
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CBS Moneywatch
Hacker Consultant to Oliver Stone's Newest Movie Savages Will Teach a Special ...
San Francisco Chronicle
Hacker Consultant to Oliver Stone's Newest Movie Savages Will Teach a Special Edition Certified Ethical Hacker Course Exclusively For Secure Ninja SecureNinja, a leading provider of information security services and training is offering a 5 day special ...
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San Francisco Chronicle
Iran Says BBC Hacked Online Poll Calling For Nuclear Compromise To End ...
As with many police states, Iranian opinion polling is notoriously unreliable. That is what made it so curious that an online survey on a state-run news website produced results at odds with official policy on the country's disputed nuclear program ...
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Taking Action: Protect Your PC From "Internet Doomsday"
The FBI made sure the rogue servers involved in the hacking operation were cleaned-up but they couldn't be shut down immediately. "If they pulled the plug they wouldn't have been able to have due process involved to get the international hackers ...
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Malware could cut off Internet users Monday
There is a chance you could lose access to the Internet come Monday morning if you haven't taken steps to rid your computer of malware planted by a group of hacking schemers. However, you could solve that problem is just a matter of seconds. Few among ...
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saloon sleuths trip suspect in ATM hacking case
Marin Independent-Journal
A Fairfax man was arrested on allegations he digitally hacked into a barroom ATM and withdrew about $12000 over a one-month period.
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