Saturday, July 21, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Darpa Funds Hack Machine You'd Never Notice
Wired News
Hidden inside are Bluetooth and Wi-Fi adapters, along with a number of hacking and remote access tools that let security experts prod and poke the network, and even call home to be remotely controlled via the cellular network. There's a "text-to-bash" feature ...
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Wired News
Apple Mac in-app purchases hacked; everything free like on iOS
ZDNet (blog)
Last week Russian developer Alexey Borodin hacked Apple's In-App Purchase program for all devices running iOS 3.0 or later, allowing iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users to circumvent the payment process and essentially steal in-app content. Apple today ...
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US spy agency chief to meet with hackers at 'Defcon'
July 20 (Reuters) - Computer geeks attending the world's largest annual hacking party in Las Vegas next week will have a rare chance to rub shoulders with the head of the U.S. National Security Agency. General Keith Alexander, director of the spy agency, ...
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The Best Hacking Film You Haven't Seen (Yet)
When was the last time you saw a good documentary about the origins of computer hacking? Well, Code 2600, a new documentary film from a young filmmaker named Jeremy Zerechak comes really close to being both accurate and entertaining while at the ...
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Dropbox says no evidence of hack in investigation of spam
"I find it rather disturbing that ... you're already almost excluding a hack after just four days of investigation, while it seems very clear that it is indeed the case that your database servers got hacked. Though it is good news that [there] has been no unauthorized ...
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DEFCON 4! US spy chief to make splash at hacker conference
Computer geeks planning to attend the world's largest annual hacking party in Las Vegas next week will have a rare chance to talk to the head of the US National Security Agency – the first such high-ranking official to attend ever. General Keith Alexander, the ...
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Russian Hacker Who Targeted Amazon, eBay Arrested
"In the weeks that followed, Zubakha — who went by handles Eraflame, Dima-k17, and DDService — periodically visited hacker forums to take responsibility for the DOS (or denial-of-service) attacks and to post stolen credit card numbers he had obtained, ...
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Aerial Drones Vulnerable To Being Hacked, Congress Told
WASHINGTON (CNN) — It wouldn't take much effort to hijack a drone over U.S. airspace and use it to commit a crime or act of terrorism, an aerospace engineering expert told a House subcommittee Wednesday. Todd Humphreys showed members of a ...
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Hacker mom changed her children's grades
The Imperfect Parent
One Pennsylvania mom hacked into the Northwestern Lehigh School District's computer system in February 2012 to change her son's nearly perfect grade of 98 to 99. Catherine Venusto, 45 of New Tripoli had worked for the school district from 2008 until 2011 ...
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Wood Green hacker Gary McKinnon refuses more medical tests
Computer hacker Gary McKinnon has refused to undergo further medical tests by a Home Office-appointed expert as he fights extradition to the United States, his mother has said. Email; Print; Got a story? To send a link to this page to a friend, simply enter ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
By smosh
ALTERNATE SCENE & BLOOPERS: OUR NEW CARTOON SERIES: Anthony and Ian program buttons to hack real li...
Top Favorites
Power Pwn: a DARPA-funded hacking terminal disguised as a ...
By Evan Rodgers
Be wary of any rogue power accessories you might come across — they could be cleverly disguised hacking boxes like the Pwnie Express' new Power Pwn. The device is a $1295 "penetration testing"...
The Verge - All Posts
Protecting Your Business Against Hacking
By Admin
Hacking has become more sophisticated over the last few years, so it's important to have a strategy to protect your business data.
Information Gateway » Blog Archive » Mom Arrested For Hacking ...
By Cardigan
A Pennsylvania mom faces six felony charges for allegedly hacking into her children's school computer to change their grades and read school officials' emails. Catherine Venusto, 45, of New Tripoli, worked for the Northwestern Lehigh School ...

Web1 new result for hacking
Mom Arrested For Hacking School Computers to Change Kids ...
From Yahoo! News: Catherine Venusto Accused of Logging into 10 School Administrator Email Accounts.

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