Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Anonymous hackers target energy majors
Gazprom and Shell this week were among the targets of the Anonymous computer hacking collective, who protested plans for offshore drilling in the Arctic.
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Hackers hit wrong target
The Daily Cougar
The information was obtained from Yahoo Voices, previously Associated Content, a site used for publishing articles online. A hacker group called D33D's Co. claimed responsibility not only for the publication of the sensitive information on Yahoo ...
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The Daily Cougar
Black Hat: Hacking iris recognition systems
Computerworld (blog)
You've undoubtedly seen iris scanners being tricked by some high-tech contact or even via a scavenged eyeball in action/adventure or thriller movies when a secret agent or criminal wants to break into a vault or other high tech facility, but at the ...
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News Corp. Failed to Disclose Executive's Phone-Hacking E-Mail
News Corp. (NWSA)'s British unit failed for months to disclose in civil litigation a company executive's e- mail related to hacking the phone of a "well-known person."
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EC-Council Announces Flagship Hacking Conference, Hacker Halted, to be ...
EC-Council's flagship information security (IS) conference, Hacker Halted USA 2012 will be held in Miami, FL from October 25-31st. Hacker Halted will unite some of the greatest minds in information security, as industry experts address the latest ...
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Expert advice on keeping passwords secure from hackers
Hackers have been on a tear lately. For consumers, the attacks leave them open to all kinds of scams and even identity theft.
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Kinect hack turns body movements into the ultimate music mixer
The V Motion Project brings back the Kinect's hacking cred with a motion-based synthesizer that lets you create interactive music with striking visuals in real-time with your body movements. Created by the collective minds of Jeff Nusz, Joel Little ...
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Search warrant documents student's computer hacking
The Register-Guard
Officials at the school confronted the boy, then 15, and he admitted borrowing a school laptop, connecting its hard drive to another computer and running a "brute force hacking program" to obtain the security password, according to a July 11 affidavit ...
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Sajid troubled over his hacked email
India Today
Filmmaker Sajid Khan is having a terrible time these days. Be it hacking of email account or Sherlyn Chopra lashing out at him publicly on Twitter.
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India Today
Hacked off hacker pleads guilty to menacing ISP ... with an ax
Network World
An Internet user has admitted hacking a service provider's computers, threatening to burn down its offices and menacing its owner with an axe. Bryce Kingsley Quilley, 29, of Tailem Bend, appeared in the District Court today. He pleaded guilty to three ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
MAKE | Vehicular Hacking, From Art Cars to JEEPuters
By Nick Normal
While DIY automotive projects are nothing new, the options for modifying your vehicle are becoming increasingly diverse and accessible. From Backyard Biodiesel production and vegetable-oil-powered motorcycles to solar panel augmented ...
Tony Hsieh's New Twist on Hacking the Downtown Vegas Tech ...
By Sarah Lacy
As someone who has covered entrepreneurship for 15 years, it's among the more crazy attempts to hack the world in one's own image I've ever seen up close. And long after other reporters who've flown in for one meeting go home, I'll get to ...

Web3 new results for hacking
How privacy-conscious consumers are fooling, hacking smart meters
(NaturalNews) The recent roll out of smart meters has brought about mixed reactions from consumers. On one hand, there are activist groups broadcasting the ...
Spitzer Discusses News Corp. Hacking Investigation On Sirius XM's ...
Hacking Investigation On Sirius XM's Media Matters Radio ... It Should." One Year Later, Hannity And O'Reilly Know Not To Mention Murdoch's Hacking Scandal ...
Ben Moskowitz » Popcorn Contributors Hacking Apace
Popcorn Contributors Hacking Apace. Because we've all been so focused on shipping Popcorn Maker, it's been many months since we last held a community ...

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