Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hack Yourself First: Interview Jeremiah Grossman
Computerworld (blog)
White hat hacker and Internet security guru Jeremiah Grossman thinks everyone should learn how to hack. He teaches Hack Yourself First to the masses. Here's an interview with Grossman.
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Hack the diagnostics connector, steal yourself a BMW in 3 minutes
Reports say BMW leaves coded key info accessible through the OBD connector. Other automakers and their owners may be at ...
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Hackers steal keyless BMW in under 3 minutes (video)
Summary: It's cool to have a keyless BMW, until you no longer have a keyless BMW. Hackers have figured out how to break into such cars with ease. BMW has acknowledged there is a problem, but is not doing enough to protect its customers.
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Anonymous takes credit for hack that exposes 2.4 million Syrian e-mails
Ars Technica
Members take responsibility for breach of multiple domains and servers in Syria.
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Three Simple Steps For Securing Your Card Reader and POS Systems From ...
Business Insider
Here's a 'love story' with a twist: your debit card, which is your one true soulmat...
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Hackers Infiltrate Computers of Indian Navy
SPAMfighter News
Hackers have penetrated the computers of Indian Navy near Vishakhapatnam city followed with installing a virus that understandably transmitted confidential data to China.
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Nexus Q hack allows for home replacements, runs Netflix – almost looks good
Google's social media streamer might have a lot of potential, but said potential definitely doesn't show without hacking the device. With its limited out of the box functionality, developers are hard at work in attempt to make the Nexus Q, well, usable ...
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Bank staff passwords published on hacking website
Irish Independent
GARDAI have been notified of the discovery of thousands of email addresses and passwords on a specialist hackers' website, many of which belong to bank and civil service employees.
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State server hacked in 'war' on graft
The Asian Age
It has come to light that a group called œOpIndia had hacked government servers and posted ...
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More Proof That Nerds Rule The World: Robin Van Persie's Site Hacked
SB Nation (blog)
Robin van Persie's site was hacked. The nerds always win.
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Web2 new results for hacking
Phone hacking: prosecutor will decide on charges within weeks ...
Ex-News of the World journalists will soon know whether they are to face trial, as Keir Starmer says CPS will finish considering 13 case files by the end of July.
Phone hacking the tip of an iceberg of illegal snooping, say MPs ...
Home affairs select committee calls for urgent action to curb black market in information. By Josh Halliday.

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