Friday, July 13, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Yahoo Breach Extends Beyond Yahoo to Gmail, Hotmail, AOL Users
New York Times (blog)
A group of hackers, known as the D33D Company, posted online the user names and passwords for what appeared to be 453492 accounts belonging to Yahoo, and also Gmail, AOL, Hotmail, Comcast, MSN, SBC Global, Verizon, BellSouth and ...
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Hacking of Yahoo site affects 450000 users
San Francisco Chronicle
The hacking occurred just a day after San Francisco social network Formspring was forced to reset passwords for all of its 28 million members after hackers posted password information to about 420000 accounts online. Many of the victims may have been ...
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San Francisco Chronicle
Yahoo hacked, should you change your password?
Associated Content flew under the freelance radar for years when it came to hackers but Yahoo is another story. Over 400000 freelance writer accounts have bee.
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Yahoo and Formspring Hacked Just One Month After LinkedIn & eHarmony ...
Hackers have just added Yahoo and Formspring to the steadily increasing list of breached websites. If you recall it was just last month that eHarmony, LinkedIn.
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Passwords Leaked From Yahoo: Boozy, Preachy, Angry -- and Easy
A group of hackers calling itself "the D33Ds Company" published a list of 453492 email addresses and passwords in plain text on Thursday, saying they had found them by hacking into a database associated with an unnamed Yahoo service. The passwords ...
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Yahoo Confirms 400000 Passwords Stolen in Hack
Less than 5 percent of the Yahoo accounts had valid passwords listed, the company contends.
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Yahoo Passwords Stolen in Latest Data Breach
Wall Street Journal
Yahoo said it is investigating a data breach that allowed a hacker group to download about 400000 unencrypted user names and passwords, another black eye for the Internet company still looking for a permanent chief executive.
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Yahoo Confirms Theft of Passwords from Users
Wall Street Journal
A hacking organization called D33Ds Co. posted the stolen data on its website and appended a note describing the download "as a wake-up call and not as a threat." The group said it aims to expose Yahoo's vulnerabilities. Yahoo noted that less than 5 ...
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Yahoo hack steals 400000 passwords. Is yours on the list?
Christian Science Monitor
A Yahoo hack compromises 400000 accounts. Here's how to see if yours was stolen.
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Christian Science Monitor
Yahoo passwords hacked, likely taken through Yahoo Voices
Washington Post
A security firm says a hacking group known as D33D Company picked up unencrypted user passwords from Yahoo Voices, the Web giant's crowd-sourced publishing platform.
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Best Buy Warns Users of Account Hacking Attempts, Advises ...
By Isha Suri
Looks like the retail giant Best Buy has detected some malicious attempts to access its customer accounts, which is why it has issued a warning to its customers advising them to change their account passwords immediately. Best Buy issued ...
Charlie Miller NFC hacking mobile payments: Black Hat USA
By Brad Reed
Developers who work on mobile payment platforms should start hitting the panic button: Esteemed hacker Charlie Miller is about to mess them up. Dark Re.
BGR: The Three Biggest Letters In Tech
Yahoo confirms over 450000 passwords at risk after massive hacking
Is your Yahoo password safe? Does anyone still use Yahoo? Well if you do then you should be on your guard as potentially 450000 passwords are at risk after a hacking attack. The Irish men's website: Home

Web2 new results for hacking
Yahoo Investigates Hacking Exposing 450000 Passwords | The ...
Hacker group D33DS claimed they wanted to expose the security hole, not do irreparable harm.
Schneier on Security: Hacking BMW's Remote Keyless Entry System
The owner, who posted the video at, suspects the thieves broke the glass to access the BMW's on-board diagnostics port (OBD) in the footwell of ...

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