Thursday, July 12, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hackers expose 453000 credentials allegedly taken from Yahoo service
Ars Technica
SQL injection retrieves user names and passwords stored in plaintext.
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Yahoo! Voices hack reveals 453492 passwords, claims D33Ds Company
Computerworld (blog)
Yahoo! Voices (née Associated Content) has been hacked by a group calling itself D33Ds Company. The perps claim to have lifted almost half a million login credentials using a SQL-injection attack. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers change their Yahoo!
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Computerworld (blog)
Hackers Grab and Expose 453000 Yahoo Login Details
Hacking collective D33Ds Company has posted login details for more than 453000 user accounts that it claims to have retrieved in plaintext from an unconfirmed service on Yahoo.
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Yahoo breach: Swiped passwords by the numbers
Hackers yesterday exposed more than 450000 login credentials, which appeared to be gleamed from Yahoo. The hackers said they hoped this would be taken as a wake-up call to the parties responsible for the security of the hacked site, but individuals ...
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Social site Formspring hacked, passwords disabled
Huffington Post
LONDON — Social networking site Formspring said Tuesday that it was disabling nearly 30 million registered users' passwords after hundreds of thousands of them were leaked to the Web in their encrypted form. Formspring said in a blog post that the ...
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435000 Yahoo usernames and passwords hacked (probably from Yahoo ...
Hacking collective "D33Ds Company" has posted 435000 sets of usernames and passwords from a Yahoo service, ArsTechnica is reporting. The login credentials are in plaintext and can be stolen or used by anyone.
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Yahoo hack: Details of 453000 users exposed online
Hackers have posted online the email addresses and passwords of more than 450000 Yahoo users, with those responsible saying the web company should take it "as a wake-up call, and not as a threat."
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Yahoo Hacked, 400000+ Passwords Leaked
In yet another case of hacking, this time its Yahoo, some 400000+ plaintext credentials logins were found posted online, as reported by security expert Trusted Sec.
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Yahoo! hack! leaks! 453000! unencrypted passwords!
A Yahoo! service has apparently succumbed to a simple database attack that leaked 453000 unencrypted account passwords online. A huge document containing the lifted SQL structures, software variables, usernames and cleartext passwords was linked to ...
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Hackers Publicly Post 453000 Hacked Yahoo Account Credentials, Leave A ...
In a startling revelation this morning, Hackers posted passwords and usernames for over 453000 user accounts associated with Yahoo. The extracted user credentials were posted publicly by the group of ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
British police widen phone-hacking inquiry with new arrests - latimes ...
By Janet Stobart
British police make new phone hacking arrests; new suspects are not News Corp journalists.
World Now

Web1 new result for hacking
How Hacking Can Kill
How Hacking Can Kill Wherever you are on the internet, there's often a virus lurking around the digital corner. A hacker will always find a new way of getting your ...

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