Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Apple tries to block iOS in-app purchase hack, fails
Summary: Apple is working hard to fight the hacking of its In-App Purchase program for iOS. So far though, the company's attempts have not deterred Russian developer Alexey Borodin who apparently wants Cupertino to fix the underlying problem rather ...
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Hacker Uses 3-D Printed Keys to Crack Police Handcuffs
Slate Magazine (blog)
But in a presentation Friday at a New York hacker conference, a German security consultant showed how 21st-century technology can be used to unlock, well, locks. Forbes' Andy Greenberg reports that the security consultant, who goes by the name "Ray," ...
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Slate Magazine (blog)
Kerr & Wagstaffe Weigh In on Hacking Class Action Suit
MarketWatch (press release)
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, Jul 17, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- In recent months, computer hacking has compromised the privacy of many consumers who use services from high profile websites that include LinkedIn, eHarmony, Yahoo! and Formspring.
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Anonymous targets oil companies in email hack
Hacking group Anonymous has posted 1000 email credentials from employees working at Shell, Exxon Mobil, BP and Russian companies Gazprom an...
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One Secret That Stops Hackers: Girlfriends
The majority of hackers "age out" of hacking as they get older and find girlfriends, families, and other responsibilities. Why not invest in educating young hackers sooner, instead of locking them up later?
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Hacked Billabong names still online
The Australian
TENS of thousands of stolen email addresses, user names and passwords from the website of Australian clothing retailer Billabong remain online five days after a devastating hacking of the firm's data was discovered.
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Apple Blocks iTunes App Store In-app Purchasing Hack
Social Barrel
Revealed on Friday as a method developed by Russian hacker ZonD80, which controls In-AppStore.com, the hack allows users of iOS3.0 and higher devices to accomplish free in-app purchases in three simple steps. The process includes the installation of ...
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Social Barrel
Apple blocks Borodin used IP addresses to halt free downloads at In-App
News Pakistan
Apple, Inc. has again become a hacking target and this time it is iOS that has fell victim to the malicious acts. It is not long ago that Apple faced a huge controversy with the Flaskback malware that attacked hundreds of thousands of Mac devices, if ...
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News Pakistan
Prince William Stunned By Phone Hacking Scandal
British royal Prince William was stunned at the extent of the phone hacking scandal that rocked the U.K. last year.
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Apple In-App Store Hacked
Hacker finds way to loot in-app store items and posts a how-to on YouTube.
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Manning denies hacking of WikiLeaks cables | Al Akhbar English
By Joe
Manning denies hacking of WikiLeaks cables. Published Monday, July 16, 2012. WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning had permission to read secret US diplomatic cables and should not be charged with an electronic "break-in" of government ...
Al Akhbar English
Hacking WP Biographia's Appearance With CSS | Gary's Bloggage
By Gary's Bloggage
The contents of the Biography Box that the WP Biographia WordPress plugin produces are easily customisable through the plugin's settings and options. The upcoming new version of the plugin will add to this, allowing almost limitless options ...
Gary's Bloggage

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