Monday, July 16, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Barnidge: Computer hacking is much more real when you experience it yourself
San Jose Mercury News
The day began with a rap at the front door just after 6 a.m. It s an abrupt way to wake up. Our neighbor from across the street wanted to make sure my wife, Faith, was OK, that she wasn t stranded in Spain without airfare for a flight home.
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Yahoo confirms 400000 email accounts hacked and passwords stolen
It was reported on Jul 14, 2012, that Yahoo has confirmed the incident that around 4,00000 users account credentials were stolen from its computer system by h.
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World's Leading IT Security Certification Provider to Host Technical Hackers ...
MarketWatch (press release)
These workshops are specifically designed by the world's leading ethical hackers and information security experts to address crucial information security matters in today's technology dependent business environment. All workshops are technical and will ...
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Royal Round-Up:Phone Hacking, Harry's Rickshaw Ride, Eva/Charles ...
Daily Beast
Sunday Express: The discovery that Kate and William's inner circle had not betrayed them but that stories were appearing in newspapers because their phones were being hacked has "restored their faith in human nature", reveals friend and ITN political ...
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Defense expert: US should hire hackers to conduct cyberwarfare
Summary: Defense analyst John Arquilla believes the U.S. should stop prosecuting elite hackers and instead hire them to wage an online war against terrorists as well as other American enemies. He argues if the U.S. played its card rights with hackers ...
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How Yahoo password theft could affect your Gmail, Facebook
Yahoo announced to users that it had fixed the security flaw that allowed hackers to gain access to passwords of nearly 450000 users.
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Apple's in-app purchases hacked by the Russians
They've done it by being a "man in the middle", tricking apps and the iDevice into thinking they're talking to Apple's servers, with the Russian hacker "ZonD80" discovering how iDevices running iOS 3.x to 6.0 could be made to "think" they had ...
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Hacker gets eight years for role in $3m hacking spree
A trio of US cybercriminals has been given stiff sentences in a case that netted $3m and has important lessons for businesses.
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Yahoo confirms password hack vulnerability fix
Computer Business Review
Company says it has plugged the vulnerability that enabled hackers to make off with 500000 usernames and passwords.
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Yahoo accounts hacked
Thirty-nine Telecom customers have had their YahooXtra email logons and passwords compromised as a result of a hacking attack on Yahoo.
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Facebook Hacking and the Value of Social Currency – Danny Brown
By Danny
Being true to yourself online and building social currency not only helps define you as a person - it can also help you when you need it the most.
Danny Brown
Cybercrime trio sentenced for $3m hacking spree via WiFi and ...
By Paul Ducklin
A Seattle hacking triumvirate has received a collective quarter-century behind bars. With a combination of wardriving and malware implantation, they made off with $3m plundered from company accounts - including straight from the payroll.
Naked Security - Sophos
Pacific North West cybercrime trio sentenced for $3m hacking spree ...
By vendorpageid_164
IT Best Practices, How-tos, Product Reviews, discussions, articles for IT Professionals in small and medium businesses.
Spiceworks Community

Web3 new results for hacking
Operation Tuleta makes sixth arrest in computer hacking investigation
Metropolitan police say arrest in Cardiff not directly linked to news organisation or journalists' activities. By Josh Halliday.
How privacy-conscious consumers are fooling, hacking smart ...
The perpetrators were said to have hacked into the smart meters using an optical converter device connected to a laptop, allowing smart meters to connect with ...
Hacking Passwords & Exploits! - Toasted Donut
Toasted Donut: Hacking Passwords & Exploits! - Hacker and Internet entrepreneur Barrett Lyon joins Glenn and Prager to chat about learning how to " explore" ...

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