Friday, July 6, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
6 new ways hackers are using malware
The number of bugs and malicious viruses being deployed to hack computers is on the rise, up 41 per cent in 2011, security experts say. So is the complexity of today's malware.
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250K PCs still at risk from Nov. hacking scam
Chicago Tribune
About a quarter-million computer users around the world are at risk of losing Internet access Monday because of malicious software at the heart of a hacking scam that U.S. authorities shut down last November.
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Phone hacking the tip of an iceberg of illegal snooping, say MPs
The Guardian
Home affairs select committee calls for urgent action to curb black market in information. By Josh Halliday.
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The Guardian
Infected: Beating malware at its own game (blog)
In fact, this is why the FBI stepped in last year and took over the hacker's servers, (not shutting them completely down for fear that Fortune 500 companies, individuals and others might be affected by the virus and unable to use the internet.) Instead ...
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UK Should Regulate Private Eyes After Hacking, Lawmakers Say
The U.K. government should act urgently to regulate private investigators guilty of "brokering black-market information" and invading privacy as they did during the phone-hacking scandal, lawmakers said.
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Report: Wireless Hacking Suspected In Air Raid Siren Miscues
Threatpost (blog)
Residents in two Illinois communities are settling their nerves after civil defense sirens blared for around 30 minutes last Saturday - an incident that authorities say may be the result of hacking.
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Hacking is 'tip of the iceberg' in data black market
Press Gazette
Phone-hacking is the tip of the iceberg of a substantial black market in personal information, according to MPs. Rogue private investigators are using tracking and recording devices easily available online to cash in on people's private lives and ...
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If Hackers Didn't Exist, Governments Would Have to Invent Them
The Atlantic
The myth of malicious adolescents out to wreak havoc on our technology spurs Internet regulations that are far more stringent than is reasonable.
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The Atlantic
Iran state TV accuses BBC of hacking website
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran's state TV charged Wednesday that the BBC hacked its website to change the results of a poll about Iran's nuclear program. The BBC denied the allegation.
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Hacker Consultant to Oliver Stone's Newest Movie Savages Will Teach a Special ...
SecureNinja Special Edition EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker class will feature: • 3 SecureNinja instructors (including SAVAGES actor/advisor Ralph Echemendia plus Cyber Kung Fu Instructors Larry Greenblatt & Tom Updegrove) • 3rd Generation "the ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Research at a snail's pace: Em2 Hacking for Life
Em2 Hacking for Life. Experimentation continues here in the dirt lab. Today I bashed together a cordless drill, 2x4's and a few other bits to create a prototype sediment supply system for the Em2 stream table. Currently it dumps about 27g of ...
Research at a snail's pace
No longer trimming the fat.. more hacking out vital organs | Kings of ...
By Rob Dover
Well, the East of Suez debate is finally resolved. And the waving of the arms and the gnashing of the teeth about Blair's doctrine of military.
Kings of War

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