Wednesday, February 29, 2012

World's Richest Countries/16 New Smartphones and Tablets You Need To Know About/8 Things You Can Do to Deal with an Incompetent Boss-T B Vema

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siliconindia Daily dose
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
There is winner in Every Child its time for your children to write their success story.
Gadget Guide
Mega-powerful gadgets raising their curtains at MWC-2012. Look at these wonderful devices which you will see in the market in a few months.
Choosing a perfect LED for your home considering your budget is not easy. Check out the best LED TVs which suit your needs.
Startup City
Read to know about the Indian e-commerce scenario, what VCs think about the sector and what it lacks.
Though the entrepreneurs cannot avoid the downturn, few leadership traits might help them sail smoothly across the turbulent sea.
Publish your White Paper to your target Buyers
Various U.S. companies have had a very good run in the past years, especially in terms of market capitalization. From the turn of 20th century to last year, U.S. firms have been ranked by Standard and Poor’s and Bloomberg based on the biggest market capitalization.
Japanese car maker, Nissan, said that the Indian market will not be impacted by the global recall of nearly 2.5 lakh units.
Real Estate City
Royal Estate Roha is located 8kms from Roha city in Maharashtra.The project is about 1 Acre (43560 sq ft) collector NA plots
In recent past, the interest rates as well as the residential property price have touched the sky resulting in unreasonable EMIs.
Humor of the Day
A farmer in the country has a watermelon patch and upon inspection he discovers that some of the local kids have been helping themselves..
An 85-year-old couple, after being married for almost 60 years, died in a car crash. They had been in good health the last ten years..
Kowalski, fresh out of accounting school, went to a interview for a good paying job. The company boss asked various questions about him and..
PHP is one of the world's most popular programming languages, but it is old. So why hasn't Facebook dumped PHP to adopt Python or something more versatile?
A host of new platforms that promise to support Machine learning, the secret ingredient to most large scale websites has made it to a place of high demand.
Personal Finance
Mutual Fund is a collective scheme which brings out money from many investors to buy stocks, bonds, short-term money market instruments or different types of securities.
The new rates are effective from today, the bank said. Besides, under the SBI Scholar Loan Scheme extended to students joining elite institutions.
An useless boss is a difficult person to deal with, but at the same time you must get adjusted to them by knowing how to deal with them.
It is pretty difficult to choose a good career path at this competitive world. If you are the one such person finding it difficult then check out inside this article.
Siliconindia entrepreneur year book: Buy now
Training & Courses
Welcoming you to fulfill your needs!! Online Training is a one stop online IT Training solutions provider.
Not only have we trained students in admission tests but have also helped over 2000 students set foot in a University of their choice across the world
Most entrepreneurs see an IPO as the ultimate goal and sign of success and tend to slow down their pace, things seems to be much different with Cavium CEO Syed Ali.
A good idea, a smart business plan, persistence, good people skills and hard work, now is the perfect time to start a company.
What if not IIM's
Blogs: Editor's Choice
There was a time when the Innovation was considered to emanate from the rich countries like USA, Germany, & Britain and spread to the rest of the developed world and then when it became obsolete..
It was around 25 years back when only most of the population was not aware with the internet. At that time the mediums of communication were limited. There was not any reliable and inexpensive way of..
Life & Style
OneWorld Travel Mart (OTM), an international travel show, opened at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi, with the promise of 'Around the World in 3 Days'.
A 45-year-old mother of four got a new lease of life after doctors at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS) here removed a tumour weighing 22 kg from her ovary.
6 Reason to buy Sterling holidays vacation plan

QA Times
There is a very thin line between severity and priority. A tester must know which bug is severe and which to be handled with priority.
Agile testers with the right mindset can do a great job of producing high quality software. Here are 10 principles that will be helpful for agile testers.

Enterprise IT
The Enterprise social networking (ESN) software has proved to enhance communication and collaboration among employees.
The Mobile World Congress in Barcelona was the venue, where McAfee announced new tools and techniques for protecting mobile devices, data, and apps.
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