Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Reported hacking of Nortel fuels concerns, skepticism
Globe and Mail
Cyber security experts are not surprised hackers apparently breached Nortel Networks Corp.'s security by stealing passwords and installing spy software. The more interesting question to the people who help corporations avoid costly industrial espionage ...
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Globe and Mail
Hackers Jimmy Into Microsoft's Indian E-Commerce Digs
By Rachelle Dragani A hacker group by the name "Evil Shadow Team" has claimed responsibility for a cyberattack on a Microsoft online store serving the Indian market. The group dug out customer information like log-ons and passwords, then published some ...
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Murdoch Wedding Singer Now Phone-Hacking Nemesis
Chairman Rupert Murdoch's wedding in 1999 when she was 13 years old, is now his nemesis in the first civil trial over the company's UK phone-hacking scandal. After dozens of lawmakers, athletes and other celebrities settled lawsuits, the 25-year-old ...
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Hacking Group Attacks Weapons Maker
New York Times (blog)
By NICOLE PERLROTH | February 14, 2012, 12:50 pm While many celebrated Valentine's Day on Tuesday, hackers celebrated a different holiday: the one-year anniversary of the uprising in Bahrain, sometimes called the February 14 Revolution.
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Hacking case's Mulcaire allowed to appeal
Sydney Morning Herald
Private investigator Glenn Mulcaire has been given permission to appeal to Britain's Supreme Court against orders that he cannot rely on privilege against self-incrimination in the phone-hacking proceedings. The two-day hearing is scheduled to begin on ...
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News Corp. Hacking Report Delayed Amid Debate Over James Murdoch
15 (Bloomberg) -- UK lawmakers probing whether News Corp. covered up phone hacking at the News of the World tabloid are at least two months behind schedule with their report, as they debate how critical they can be of Deputy Chief Operating Officer ...
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Trinamool website hacked, restored
PTI Kolkata: The website of the ruling Trinamool Congress in West Bengal was on Wednesday restored, a day after it was hacked reportedly by a Bangladesh-based group. Party sources said the US-hosted website was hacked more than once on ...
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'Activists Anonymous hack New Zealand FM's email'
Hindustan Times
Online activist group Anonymous hacked New Zealand foreign minister Murray McCully's private e-mail account and used it to sent messages mocking him, it was reported on Wednesday. illegal file-sharing and threatening to disconnect repeat offenders from ...
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White Says All Companies May Be Vulnerable to Hackers
Washington Post
14 (Bloomberg) -- Brian White, managing director of the Chertoff Group, talks about the threat of corporate hacking in the US and an attack on Nortel Networks Corp. Nortel lost data for years to hackers based in China who penetrated the company's ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
Philips investigates possible hacking attack - Tech News - IBNLive
Philips Electronics said it shut down one of its servers on Monday because of a possible cyber attack and that it was investigating the nature and extent of the information that might have been accessed.
IBN Top Headlines
Anonymous Marks Bahrain Protest by Hacking U.S. Tear Gas ...
By Adam Martin
Much of the tear gas that billowed through Bahrain's streets Monday (and throughout the Arab Spring) was made by a Pennsylvania-based company called Combined Systems, so to mark the anniversary of protests in Bahrain, Anonymous ...
The Atlantic Wire
Utterly British names in News Corp. hacking scandal
By Jim Edwards
Sun associate editor Trevor Kavanaugh's warning that the police investigation into hacking at News Corp. is becoming too heavy-handed illustrates one of the more bizarre aspects of the scandal: The total, utter, anachronistic Britishness of ...
Man acquitted of hacking friend's hi'5 account -
Man acquitted of hacking friend's hi'5 account. A 20-year-old man was today acquitted of having threatened his friend's mother after hacking her son's hi-5 account. Edmond Attard, of Mellieha was accused of having committed the crime two ...

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