Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Phone hacking: Charlotte Church case 'not resolved'
The Guardian
Charlotte Church has not yet settled her phone-hacking case against Rupert Murdoch's defunct tabloid the News of the World – despite suggestions a deal was close to being reached. Their comments follow a report in the Financial Times that News Group ...
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The Guardian
Singer Church set to settle hacking case
Financial Times
By Ben Fenton, Chief Media Correspondent Charlotte Church, the singer, is on the verge of settling her phone-hacking case against the News of the World, raising the prospect that Rupert Murdoch's newspaper group will face no High Court trial over the ...
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Financial Times
Rupert Murdoch: No defense for tabloid wrongdoers
Las Vegas Sun
In an emailed message to staff, Murdoch confirmed he will remain in London "for the next several weeks to give you my unwavering support" amid the crisis caused by Britain's phone hacking scandal and police investigations into alleged email hacking and ...
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Murdoch's Next Scandal Could Be Computer Hacking
Daily Beast
A deluge of new cases suggest that the practice was rife at Murdoch's tabloids, and the revelations could soon dwarf the phone-hacking scandal. For months, reporters in Britain have been keeping a watchful eye on a criminal case playing out in the ...
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Daily Beast
Alert on Hacker Power Play
Wall Street Journal (blog)
The director of the National Security Agency has warned that the hacking group Anonymous could have the ability within the next year or two to bring about a limited power outage through a cyberattack. Gen. Keith Alexander, the director, provided his ...
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News of the World hacker named after court block lifted
A man accused of hacking into the computers of a former British Army intelligence officer on behalf of a News of the World editor has been named as Philip Campbell Smith, also a former British Army intelligence officer. Ex-agent Ian Hurst told the ...
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UK Facebook hacker jailed for 8 months
Network World
By Anh Nguyen, Computerworld UK A York-based software development student has been sentenced to eight months in jail for hacking into social networking site Facebook, including three of its servers, from his bedroom. According to the BBC, Glenn Mangham ...
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Hackers Eyeing US Power Grid, NSA Warns
By Kendra Srivastava | Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:47 pm Hacking collective Anonymous may attack US power grids, warns the National Security Agency, suggesting federal agents are taking extra precautions as cyber-warfare threatens critical infrastructures.
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Hacking scandal has created 'chilling' atmosphere towards free speech' warns ...
However, he criticised the decision by the Prime Minister to appoint Lord Justice Leveson to order an inquiry into media ethics at the height of last summer's phone hacking scandal. The Leveson inquiry has seen heard from dozens of celebrities, ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
'Detention' Exclusive Clip: Hacking And Slashing Moviegoers ...
By MTV Movies Team
'Detention' Exclusive Clip: Hacking And Slashing Moviegoers Everywhere On April 13. Posted 1 hour ago by MTV Movies Team in Video. by Ryan Rigley. High school bullies are one thing. But high school bullies and slasher movie serial ...
MTV Movies Blog
The Future of Hacking Sounds Pretty Ridiculous - Technology - The ...
By Adam Clark Estes
Since the downfall of LulzSec, hackers have been busy coming up with wild ideas to outdo their many attention-grabbing stunts from 2011.
The Atlantic Wire
Two days of tinkering: hacking together Squaredar! | Foursquare ...
By engbl0g
Our most recent Hack Day also happened to coincide with our last day at our old office at 36 Cooper Square in Manhattan's East Village. Hack presentations happened the next Monday at our shiny new office in SoHo. It was a nice way to say ...
Foursquare Engineering Blog
W.E.N.N » Church Eyes Huge Hacking Payout
By wennnewsdesk
Church Eyes Huge Hacking Payout. 7:26am EST. Jagger Plays For President. 7:26am EST. Mueller To Continue Rehab Treatment In L.A.. 3:56am EST. Brit Awards Bosses Apologize To Adele. 3:56am EST. Osbournes' Bulldog Dies. 3:56am ...

Web3 new results for hacking
Facebook Hacking - Student jailed for eight months | The Hacker ...
Facebook Hacking - Student jailed for eight months. THN Magazine and The Hacker News is Most Comprehensive resource in providing news related to ...
Police say schoolboys behind hacking attack - Technology ...
Greek police say they have arrested an Athens schoolboy and identified two more suspected of a computer hacking attack on the Justice Ministry website this ...
Man convicted in conspiracy case also accused of hacking computer ...
Philip Campbell Smith, who allegedly hacked former army spy's computer for News of the World, convicted of conspiring to illegally access private information for ...

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